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Your mission is to share your faith every day

By Cian Molloy - 24 October, 2016

Bishop Denis Nulty at the launch of the Kildare and Leighlin Diocesan guide to Sharing our Faith Everyday, which was produced for Mission Sunday 2016 (Pic. John McElroy).

The Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin celebrated Mission Sunday with the launch of a guide to ‘Sharing our Faith Everyday’.

The guide provides suggestions on how the faithful may share their faith with others in everyday situations, for example by using phrases such as ‘God bless you’, displaying religious symbols around the home, praying at mealtimes and at bedtime, discussing current affairs in the context of Gospel values and encouraging children and others to think about the less fortunate.

“I hope people of all ages and backgrounds will use the suggestions to deepen their own faith and to show others what a joyful and stimulating pathway religion offers,” says Bishop Denis Nulty.

At the launch of the guide, Bishop Nulty noted that Pope Francis said that, in an increasingly secular world, people need to have courage to swim against the tide.

The guide encourages readers to wear a cross or another symbol of their faith in the workplace or their place of study. It urges them not to be afraid to show their faith in front of others and to be ready to explain and talk about their faith. Lastly, it asks Christians to respect other people’s religious beliefs and to always be honest and fair at work.

World Mission Sunday is held on the penultimate Sunday of October every year. It was inaugurated in 1926 by Pope Pius XI as a day of prayer for the missions at home and overseas.

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