By Sean O'Donnell - 28 January, 2018
On Saturday 24th February at 2.30pm, a Mass for Members of the Travelling Community will take place in Westminster Cathedral. The main celebrant will be Bishop Paul McAleenan, the Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster and the Catholic Bishop with oversight for Ethnic Chaplaincies.
Bishop McAleenan said, “Those who are familiar with the Traveller community will know of their deep piety and indeed knowledge of the essentials of the Catholic Faith. Often Travellers are misunderstood or viewed with suspicion. The Church however is committed to the welfare of all ethnic groups and is concerned for all its people. Recognising that different groups have different needs we are hosting this National Mass and look forward to welcoming the Travellers on Saturday 24th February in Westminster Cathedral.”
Father Dan Mason, the National Catholic Chaplain for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers said, “Our hope is that this Mass will become an annual event for members of the Travelling Community to celebrate their Catholic Faith and for non-Travellers to appreciate the significant contribution that Travellers make within the Catholic Community in England and Wales.”
(Catholic Communications Network)