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We will come through pandemic, as surely as Christ rose at Easter, says Dr Eamon Martin

By Cian Molloy - 12 April, 2020

As surely as Christ rose on Easter morning, we will come through this COVID-19 pandemic, says the Primate of all-Ireland, Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh in his Paschal message for today.

According to Gaelic lore, on Easter Sunday morning the sun dances in the sky and Archbishop Martin recalled an early childhood memory of this day. It was his mother’s custom to put a basin of water out in the yard on ‘a bright Easter Sunday morning’ and then she would invite her children to see the sun dance in the water’s reflection.

“It’s the kind of message of joy and hope that we all need during these difficult days,” said the Church leader.

“The Easter story begins in darkness and sorrow. The disciples were hidden away behind locked doors, isolated and feeling alone, fearing for their lives. But when Christ rose from the dead he brought back the light of hope into the darkness of despair. The stone was rolled away from the entrance to the tomb. He entered through the closed doors of the place where the disciples were and he said to them ‘peace be with you’.”

Easter is a reminder that we must not let ourselves be robbed of hope, said Dr Martin, quoting Pope Francis.

“We still have a long way to go in the fight against Covid-19 and its consequences. There will be many more sacrifices to make before this is all over. But as surely as Christ rose on Easter morning, we will come through this, hopefully as better people, strengthened by the experience.

“A very happy Easter to you all, and to our loved ones and friends across the world this Easter time.”

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