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Wendell and his Bible stories

Dec. 2nd Thursday, Advent Week 1

2 December, 2021

Wendell John, by name, was a recent convert to Christianity. He used come to the mission hospital in Papua New Guinea every day, to read short passages of the gospels to any patients who would listen to him. They loved his bible stories about Jesus and also Wendell’s obvious lively faith. He did this voluntary work for many years and was much appreciated.

One day he was having great difficulty reading some biblical texts. A doctor was passing by and noticed Wendell’s difficulty. He offered to examine Wendell’s eyes to discover that Wendell had advanced glaucoma. He explained to Wendell that he needed urgent treatment or he would be totally blind within a year or two.

After that, there was no sign of Wendell anywhere within or around the hospital. No one knew what had happened to him. Eventually, a young nurse met him, and brought the mission doctor to visit him. The old man explained to the doctor:
 ‘I am very busy memorising the most important parts of the gospels, while I can still see.
Soon I’ll be back at the hospital, and I’ll be able to continue ‘reading’ to the patients
the most important messages of the Gospels without depending too much on written text.’

Although the doctors did what they could, they could not save Wendell’s sight.  Two years later Wendell could still be seen going around the wards armed with his bible in one hand,  a white walking stick in the other and an infectious smile on his face. He was a real modern day Papua New Guinea ‘John the Baptist’ missionary.

Advent is for getting to know Jesus better and the sharing of that good News with others.

Come Lord Jesus

…Jack Mc Ardle, And that’s the Gospel Truth.