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Every day is Christmas Day in Bethlehem

Dec. 23, Thursday, Eve of Christmas Eve

23 December, 2021

To be in Bethlehem any day automatically makes it ‘Christmas Day’ for visitors. To enter the old Bethlehem Church on the spot where the first Christmas happened you must pass through the low Door of Humility’. The entrance doorway stands only about one and a half metres high. It was originally installed to stop soldiers entering on horses attacking the church.
Nowadays everyone has to bow their head as they enter the Church of the
‘birthplace of Jesus, Prince of Peace.

Marking the spot in the grotto where Jesus was actually born is a fourteen-point silver star set in white marble. An inscription around it reads:
‘Hie de Virgine Maria Jesus Christus natus est,’
‘Here Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary.

Christmas seems to be the easiest of religious festival to understand until
you reflect on it’s implications:
Jesus, Mary and Joseph together with God and his Angels.
Three young poor people trusting in God,
a God who accepts their love and enters their lives in a new way
thus beginning a new partnership with them with the hope
that it will make  the world a better place for all of us to live in.

Come Lord Jesus

…….Adapted from Peter de Rossa, The Rosary Story