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Where did Jesus come from?

Dec . 22, Wednesday, Advent Week 4

22 December, 2021

Philip, a young lad of eight, was doing his homework, his dad was reading a book.
‘Dad’, called out the boy,
Where did I come from?’
The father was unprepared for the question. This could get embarrassing. He hesitated but replied.confidently:
‘A stork brought you’.

A few minutes later came another question.
Dad, where did you come from?
Once again the father was slightly flustered, and remembering it was Christmas time then he replied
‘Santa brought me’. That’s why I’m so good!
Philip went back to his writing.
Just as his dad was beginning to feel he got away safely so far, a third question came.
Dad, where did grand-dad come from?’
The father was running out of ideas by now, but then reverted to the old reliable.
‘He was found under a head of cabbage.’

The father was quite pleased with himself as the young lad seemed ok with the answers for now and Philip finished his writing, closed his copybook, and went to bed.

As the father was reflecting on the string of questions, he got the bright idea to check the young lad’s copybook, and read what he had written there. Imagine how he felt when he read:
After persistent questioning as far as I can ascertain, there hasn’t been one normal birth in this family for the past three generations’!

Now about Jesus’coming….!

Come Lord Jesus

                                                                               .André Paul