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The inn

30 November, 1999

When Joseph and Mary got to Bethlehem, they looked for somewhere to stay. Unfortunately, as all the people from the area were travelling to just twelve towns to get registered for the census, Bethlehem was packed. So there was no room in any of the places that normally took guests. In those days there weren’t lots of hotels and motels like today. Eventually Joseph found a room in a stable. In those days people often had a room on the side of their house for their cow or donkey. Often a family would have one or two animals, maybe a donkey for travelling on or for carrying loads, and perhaps a cow or a goat for milk. Sometimes too they had an ox which they would use to pull things like ploughs or carts. The Bible says there was a donkey and an ox in the stable which Mary and Joseph had to share with. Imagine living in one room with a donkey and an Ox! Perhaps the lady of the house helped Mary to have her baby.

Eventually Joseph found a room in a stable. In those days people often had a room on the side of their house for their cow or donkey. Often a family would have one or two animals, maybe a donkey for travelling on or for carrying loads, and perhaps a cow or a goat for milk. Sometimes too they had an ox which they would use to pull things like ploughs or carts. The Bible says there was a donkey and an ox in the stable which Mary and Joseph had to share with. Imagine living in one room with a donkey and an Ox!
Perhaps the lady of the house helped Mary to have her baby.

Working it Out
1. Have you ever visited a stable or a cowshed? Imagine living in a stable for a few nights. What do you think it would be like?

2. Is there anything in the story of Luke to say that Mary rode from Nazareth to Bethlehem on a donkey? See Luke 2:1-8

3. What does Matthew say about the journey to Bethlehem? See Matthew 1:18-2:2. What does he say about Nazareth?

4. Would the stable be a long way from a house? Why do you think there was no room for Mary and Joseph in the Bethlehem Hilton? Wouldn’t life be easier today with the internet?
