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Trócaire and Poetry Ireland announce competition winner

“It is heartening to see, even in these challenging times, how school children and adults alike can take a theme of injustice and turn it into inspiring poems that tell similar stories often with hopeful messages for the future,” said the organisers.


Hopes are growing that more than 50 will be allowed celebrate Mass together

"We should be prudent with numbers in the early days to allow us time to get some experience of managing numbers," Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has cautioned. 


Free online evangelisation conference live from Cork this weekend

One keynote speaker is the exceptionally popular and established teacher and author, Dr Scott Hahn. Fr Mike Schmitz, one of the most sought-after Catholic speakers in the US, will also be presenting at the online conference.


Irish-based Catholic formation platform interviews well-known US priest

“Our interview with Fr Mike Schmitz is the first episode in a series called ‘Colloquy’. Each episode will be a recorded video call with different leaders in the Catholic world covering a range of topics,” says Edward Barrett-Shortt, co-founder of Called to More.


Religious celebration goes into cyberspace in Armagh

“Thanks to this digital technology many of us have been helped to remain in ‘spiritual communion’ with Christ and with one another,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Waterford bishop carries cross around his city

“Nobody was disrespectful. Certainly there were people who were indifferent, people who did not know exactly what was going on, but there were people who stopped and blessed themselves and wanted a blessing,” Bishop Cullinan said.


Archbishop Martin takes to YouTube to post a Message of Hope

“Even in the current situation where the Holy Week liturgies will be celebrated behind closed doors, we can find in our hearts ways to celebrate the mystery of Christ’s death and Resurrection,” says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


Fr Ray Kelly becomes a Paso Doble Pastor in tonight’s DWTS show

"When Brian only gave me one point, everybody around him was booing, booing, booing," says Fr Ray, shrugging of record-breaking low score.


Singing priest attentive toward vocation

"First and foremost I am a priest," says Youtube sensation.


Wedding singing Irish priest is YouTube sensation

Over 31 million people watch video of priest singing at wedding ceremony.

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