The online programme has kept an open dialogue between the Derry Youth ministry team and the young people of Derry Diocese.
Peace cannot and should not be taken for granted and is a precious value that requires cultivation and tending in every generation.
The Christmas Retreat will be packed full of talks with top Catholic lay and religious speakers, workshops, time to hang out, music, prayer, sacraments and more.
The premise of SLS20 is to teach teachers to teach and live out the Great Commission.
“Our priorities are too easily blind towards the crisis that exists in far too many places in our society.”
The guide was published by the social services arm of the Dublin Archdiocese and looks at a range of options for those awaiting their exam results.
“The challenge is just starting again, to a new family, a new home, a new faith community.”
“It is my prayer that all the lay faithful will realise that we are all called by Baptism and Confirmation to be a part of a new springtime for the faith.”
“There are many, many young people who want to say ‘yes’ to Our Lord. It’s very, very encouraging.”
"A substantial number of young people do not ask the Church for anything because they do not see it as significant for their lives."
We’re just sitting in amazement watching the green shoots coming from people’s hearts because we all know that we are a mission field in Ireland – Dominic Perrem, Alpha Ireland.
The summit is part of One World Week, a week of youth-led awareness-raising, education and action that takes place throughout Ireland during the third week in November every year.
“How can I bring more of these talented, articulate, faith-filled young people into the daily life and decision-making roles of the Church?”
Many young people have positive experiences of chaplaincy services, pilgrimages and other dedicated national and international youth encounter events.
United social outreach in Mayo is a sign of our common Christian commitment, says Bishop of Killala, John Fleming.
The crisis of homelessness and poverty persists right across our diocese and our country
“Young people appreciate authenticity and if what we say is real, then it resonates for them,” Bishop of Limerick advises in run-up to Synod on youth.
Don’t leave it to others to be the protagonists of change. You young people are the ones who hold the future – Pope Francis.
After 46 years teaching, Bro Dormer retired as principal of Doon CBS Primary School on Wednesday last.
“The Diocesan Assembly and the Listening Process identified ministry to young people as one of the four areas of pastoral action to be addressed.”
Pure in Heart hosts presentation to adolescents on healthy attitudes to love and relationships.
Ignatian influenced ventures challenge young people from 18 nationalities to put their faith into action.
Chiara Luce Badano died in 1990 and was beatified by Pope Benedict in 2010.
"Religious have to learn to share their prayer life with others."
Work and earning a living brings personal dignity Pontiff highlights.
Gerard Gallagher writes this history of youth ministry in Ireland out of concern that the mistakes of the past will not be repeated in the future.
128 pp. Veritas Publications. To purchase this book online go to
This small book has about 250 short prayers from grandchildren for their grandparents. The prayers are beautifully laid out each one separately on a coloured page; they have [...]
Mary Maume looks at the Kairos Retreat experience and how this form of youth ministry can be a means for growth in personal faith.
This illustrated teaching resource presents the basic elements of the Catholic faith in four sections: The Creed, The Sacraments, The Commandments and Prayer.
Not all of us makes the best of the hand of cards that fate has dealt us, but Paul Andrews met someone who definitely did – “one of the most remarkable people I have met”.