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Apocalyptic worldview will help overcome Covid-19 crisis, says Bishop Farrell

“Like the flight attendant’s instructions ‘Put on your own mask first’, hope never encourages any kind of disdain for common sense and responsibilities of protecting human life and the common good,” said Bishop Farrell.


Angelus gathering goes ahead despite call for controls to curb coronavirus

“The Church must consider whether to suspend masses and religious services,” said Italian consumer protection activist Carlo Rienzi.


2020 is UN WHO International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

“Nursing and Midwifery embodies the best of human endeavours, positively contributing to the health and well-being of so many lives," says European Federation of Nurses Associations President, Elizabeth Adams.


Children need more play and less screen time

WHO report says no screen time for newborns and infants under one. Those aged two to four should have a maximum of one hour a day.


WHO calls for universal health care across the globe on World Health Day

"Good health allows children to learn and adults to earn, helps people escape from poverty, and provides the basis for long-term economic development."


Liberia declared ‘Ebola-free’

Monumental achievement for a country that reported the highest number of deaths in the largest, longest and most complex outbreak of Ebola since it first emerged in 1976.


CAFOD mourns Irish nun Sr Maura O’Donohue

"Dedicated and doggedly persistent, she was an example of God-centred religious life."


WHO reports reduction in malaria rates

An estimated 3.3 million lives saved since 2000 although 3.4 billion remain at risk.

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