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West Bank

State of emergency in Bethlehem to curtail coronavirus

The Church of the Nativity and other places of worship in Bethlehem are shut, all tourism and religious sites across the West Bank are closed and all tourists banned from the West Bank for an unspecified period.


Irish and international delegation of bishops promotes peace in the Holy Land

The bishops are determined to go to Gaza to help remind the small Christian community that they are not forgotten as Christians.


Trócaire condemns Israeli policy of destroying Palestinian homes

“Demolitions in Sur Baher serve only to undermine the human rights of Palestinians and jeopardise hopes for long-term peace and a two-state solution.”


As drought becomes more common, Pope says access to water is a human right

"The aridity of the planet is extending to new regions, and more and more are suffering as a result of the lack of water."


Human consequences of occupation

Two dozen writers from around the world were invited to visit the West Bank and Gaza and to share what they saw with the world. The resulting book is a collection of testimonies of the human consequences of an occupation.


Volunteers wanted for three months of peace duty in Holy Land

Twenty ecumenical accompaniers from Britain and Ireland are currently being recruited to serve in Palestine and Israel next year.


Trócaire delivers a few home truths about Israel’s treatment of Palestine

Since June 1967, the Israeli military has demolished more than 48,000 Palestinian homes and other structures such as schools, water purification facilities and electricity infrastructure. At the same time, Israel continues to allow illegal settlement construction on land on which Palestinians are forbidden from building.


Honour St Patrick by welcoming migrants and feeding the hungry, says bishops’ message

The plight of Patrick, himself a migrant, has been faced by many Irish people who have struggled to live and integrate into new cultures.


Many Christians in Middle East “feel abandoned” Archbishop of Jerusalem warns

Representatives of the three Abrahamic Faiths in Ireland sign Joint Declaration on Holy Land and present it to Archbishop Suheil Dawani in Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation.


Irish nun among Gazan Catholics greeted by Cardinal Nichols

President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales praises “witness and strength” of small Catholic community of 170 people out of a total population of 1.8 million.


Irish bishop critical of Israeli land grab in West Bank

Bishop John McAreavey compares land grab to 16th century Irish plantations and calls for recognition of the state of Palestine by Ireland.


New EU guidelines on goods from illegal settlements

Trócaire has called for a complete EU ban on goods imported from illegal Israeli settlements.


Martin & Nichols lend support to Holy Land Christians

Widespread dismay at continuing construction of Cremisan Valley wall which will separate 58 Christian families from their lands and livelihood.


Israeli court halts wall from dividing monastery

Court overruled plan that would have divided the Cremisan monastery, near Bethlehem, stating that it “violated the rights” of the people of Beit Jala.


Gaza conditions are “an assault on human dignity”

Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly and Bishop Ray Browne appeal to Irish people to hear and respond to the cries of the people of Gaza.


Bishop Nulty recalls visit to Holy Family parish in Gaza

Pope Francis' silent prayer at the concrete barrier Israel is building around the West Bank recalled by Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin.


Friends of Bethlehem University appeal for support

The only Catholic university in the Holy Land is "somewhere Muslims feel comfortable to come to".


Pope and Patriarch sign Common Declaration

They pledge to continue on the path towards unity between Catholic and Orthodox Churches.


Pope Francis begins Middle East visit

Pontiff calls for "urgent" solution to Syrian conflict.


Abide by international law, bishops appeal as Israeli Court decides fate of convent

Concerns raised that planned security is about consolidating the settlement areas and permanently choking off Bethlehem from Jerusalem.

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