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We Are Church Ireland

‘The Church needs to build a bridge with Fr Tony Flannery’

The treatment of the Redemptorist "is scandalous to most Catholics in Ireland" and "destroys people’s faith and confidence", according to Fr Roy Donovan of the Association of Catholic Priests.


Mary McAleese hits back at critics over John Paul II quote

Former president says she stated that she was not talking about the sex act but by analogy using the passage to describe the position and role of women in the Church.


“A Church without women in its leadership is a weaker Church”

Arts and Culture Minister Josepha Madigan speaks to We Are Church Ireland forum on why the Catholic Church should open all ministries to women.


Abuse survivor fears February summit won’t deliver concrete action plans

Marie Collins tells We Are Church gathering, “If there is no consistent agreement across the Church as to what is sexual abuse of a minor, then how can we have any hope of consistent handling of the issue?”


Reform group says Irish lay Catholics should nominate new bishops

Episcopal vacancies are an opportunity for the Church in Ireland to lay new foundations, says We Are Church Ireland.


Call for dioceses to publish their audited accounts online

Diocese of Ossory tops financial transparency survey, but 62 per cent of Irish dioceses post no financial statements on their websites, We Are Church Ireland finds.


Tributes to Francis on third anniversary of election

Cardinal Vincent Nichols and We Are Church Ireland commend Pope on the vitality and freshness that he has sustained over the past three years.


Annulment reform doesn’t solve issue of divorced

President of the German bishops’ conference says the problem of Catholics who are divorced and remarried must be addressed by the synod.


Primate meets with pro-gay faith groups

Archbishop of Armagh hears that a lack of affirmation of gay persons by the Churches has contributed to the raised rate of suicide, particularly among gay men.


Irish reform leader wrote to Pope about Romero

Brendan Butler co-founded the Irish El Salvador Support Committee in 1979. Last year he wrote to Pope Francis asking him to hurry on Monsenor Romero's cause.


ACI set to hold open forum on the family

Parishes and lay groups adapt Lineamenta of the 2014 Synod of the Family and questions and send outcomes to Rome.


Outrage at Vatican’s choice of image

Headless woman, with no arms or legs, and in bondage, produced by artist interested in sadism selected by Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture.


Survey shows majority want women deacons

Two spokespeople for lay reform groups urge Irish bishops to call a national assembly to discuss the role of women in the Church.


Change guest list for next year’s Synod: ACI

“In a more equal Church there would be lay people involved in determining the guest list as well as on it,” married couple tell ACI conference.


WACI critical that nun to represent laity at synod

Sr Margaret Muldoon urged “to turn down her invitation to the synod in favour of a married family person, even at this late stage.”


Vatican role for Marie Collins welcomed

Her voice is that of someone "not afraid to call the leadership in the Church to responsibility.”


Parishes across Armagh to promote Vatican survey

Accusation of a minimalist response by the Irish bishops rejected.


ACP publishes simplified version of Vatican survey

Irish Bishops criticised for not promoting wide-ranging questionnaire.


100 Catholic reform movements send letter to Pope

Three Irish groups among organisations seeking radical changes in Church structures.

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