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war crimes

Sr Anne Griffin shortlisted for 2017 Dóchas Award

Irish missionary has accompanied the community of El Mozote in El Salvador in seeking justice and redress over a 1981 massacre in which 1,000 people were tortured and murdered, including 400 children, by state military forces.


Catholic peace groups urged to support Aleppo bombing protest

“We cannot sit on the fence any more on this issue – we must stand up to this indiscriminate killing of people whether it is Russia or America that is responsible.”


Up to 2000 feared dead in Boko Haram attack

Amnesty International warns that Boko Haram has deliberately targeted civilians through raids and bomb attacks, both of which have been increasing in frequency and severity.


Amnesty finds evidence of ethnic cleansing in Iraq

Report warns Assyrian Christians, Yazidis, Turkmen and Shabaks 'risk being wiped out'.

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