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BBC features pioneering work of Irish nun in UK

Sr Rita Lee has urged the British government not to “cut the benefits of the less well off” stating “I’m not a politician, but I know that more needs to be done".


Bishop Nulty presides at ordination of Jesuit priest

"The renewal of the Irish Church will be strengthened by the determination of men who see priesthood as a second life choice and respond generously."


Be leaders Thurles president urges religion teachers

Since 2008, 340 religion teachers have graduated from St Patrick's College which up to 1992 served as a seminary for the training of priests.


Priestly celibacy is not just ‘part of the package’

The vocation to priesthood and celibacy have been conjoined in the Catholic Church "for a very long time and for good reasons" - Bishop Brendan Leahy.


Knock Eucharistic Congress aims to build on IEC2012

The pastoral care of marriage and the family will be the key focus of the national congress this weekend.


President of Maynooth talks about seminary life

“We do have to push for a more cohesive approach to bringing in prospective student priests” - Mgr Hugh Connolly.


17 men begin studies for priesthood in Maynooth

New batch of seminarians is up on last year's cohort of 14 and brings the total number of resident seminarians training in Maynooth to sixty.


Céilí Community evangelisation course begins

Young men and women use home grown Irish community to discern religious vocations.


Faithful will step up to the mark in parishes as vocations fall

Bishop of Limerick sees vocations challenge being transformed into opportunity, but urges people who feel inklings of call, to "be generous". "We need you."


Former hurler to be ordained to the priesthood

Four men to be ordained this weekend for the dioceses of Armagh, Cashel & Emly and Clogher.


Instrumentum laboris for October’s synod released

78-page document says divorced and remarried couples should be “integrated” into the Church.


Former soldier to be ordained in St Mel’s today

Longford native Seamus O’Rourke (56) will be ordained for the Diocese of Ardagh & Clonmacnois by Bishop Francis Duffy.


New priest ordained for the diocese of Derry

"Sow generously in season and out of season. Leave worries about the growth to the Lord," Bishop Donal McKeown tells newly ordained Fr Seán O'Donnell.


Tribute to Irish nun who lived out vocation in Lourdes

Bishop John Buckley led mourners at the funeral Mass of Sr Thérèse Marie O’Connell who spent fifty-seven years as a Poor Clare at the French shrine.


UK church seeks photos of Irish emigrant couples

The Sacred Heart Church in Kilburn is appealing to couples who married there for copies of their wedding photos for a display to mark its 150th anniversary.


Bishops affirm religious life on Vocations Sunday

Archbishop Martin said he was convinced that there are many young women in today’s Ireland who would be attracted to new forms of association with religious life.


Six deacons ordained for the Dominicans

“The credibility of how you preach the message of Jesus in today’s society will depend on the sensitivity of the language you use" - Archbishop Martin.


Archbishops honour unique holiness of Fr Sullivan

Irish Jesuit convert whom Pope Francis declared Venerable last November draws Christian Churches together in remembrance.


New Sister professed for Dominicans in Cabra

"Our freedom is not license but has within it the demands and choice of personal and communal responsibility.”


New archbishop reflects on his calling to priesthood

Archbishop Kieran O'Reilly SMA shares his thoughts on his own consecration to God in advance of his installation in Cashel & Emly.


Jesuit’s role in Brian Farrell’s life revealed

Funeral of renowned RTE broadcaster and UCD academic takes places in Dublin.


English priest appointed Vatican foreign minister

Liverpudlian Archbishop Paul Gallagher succeeds Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, who will take over from Cardinal Raymond Burke at the Vatican’s Signatura.


Time to rebuild trust between Church & media

"The Church and media share similar goals - to seek out the truth and highlight injustice," Archbishop Eamon Martin tells Radharc Trust awards ceremony.


Vocations a priority for new Bishop of Elphin

Pope Francis asks Bishop Kevin Doran to give special care to the marginalised, the poor, those in prison and the sick.


Difficult and delicate time for religious life – Cardinal

Crisis in religious life is not an "antechamber of death" but an opportunity to grow in depth and hope.


Cardinal ordains first deacon from new Dundalk seminary

32-year-old Polish seminarian is a member of the Neocatechumenal Way.


Catechists urged to promote contemplative religious life

"Most striking witness” to contemplative life given by Pope Emeritus - Bishop Boyce.


Focus on marriage and the family at Maynooth conference

The family that prays together, stays together Cardinal Brady highlights.

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