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Bishop Crean chides the world for ignoring East Africa crisis

Over 24 million people currently rely on food aid in South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya due to a combination of drought and conflict.


Trócaire says Irish generosity has lifted millions out of poverty

Aid has delivered so many success stories. Unfortunately, the spread of conflicts and the worsening impacts of climate change are increasingly out-pacing those efforts.


Famine in South Sudan

Pope Francis urged people to “commit not to stop at making statements, but also to provide concrete food aid and to allow it to reach suffering populations.”


Catholic peace groups urged to support Aleppo bombing protest

“We cannot sit on the fence any more on this issue – we must stand up to this indiscriminate killing of people whether it is Russia or America that is responsible.”


Jesuit explores suffering and pain in new book

Fr Brian Grogan SJ highlights how as human beings none of us will escape pain or suffering or the effects of evil in the world. The question is - what we do with the pain.


Pope prays for victims of Chernobyl disaster

Adi Roche, founder of the Chernobyl Children International charity, to address the UN on 30th anniversary of worst nuclear accident in history.


ISIS is committing genocide against Christians: MPs

The crimes committed by ISIS include the rape of children, the killing by crucifixion of Christians and systematic violence against religious minorities.


Lecture explores spirituality of Dag Hammarskjöld

Private journal of spirituality of former UN Secretary General shows how he was grappling with how spirituality can become a guiding force in the lives we lead.


Welcome for landmark climate deal in Paris

Trócaire warns that deal is a road map for urgent action as opposed to a definitive solution to protect people from the impacts of climate change.


‘I come as a pilgrim of peace’ – Pope Francis in CAR

"To all those who make unjust use of the weapons of this world, I make this appeal: lay down these instruments of death!"


Pope urges closer cooperation on climate change

“Science & technology have placed in our hands unprecedented power: it is our duty towards humanity, the poor and future generations, to use it for the common good.”


Migration crisis is humanitarian emergency: Trócaire

“The current mass movement of people into Europe represents the most serious displacement crisis the European Union has faced in recent times."


UN must address migrant tragedy: Italian bishops

“We have to be careful of the fear factor that is sometimes generated on this issue and instead look at more creative ways of welcoming people into the country”: Primate.


Trócaire focuses on Sustainable Development Goals

Ireland, as a matter of urgency, must play its part in ensuring these goals are adequately financed: Eamonn Meehan of Trócaire.


All faiths mark National Day of Commemoration

Archbishop prayed “for peace in our world, for a future where enmity injustice and division are healed and the horrors of war are no more.”


Mothers lend support to Private Members Bill

Independent TD Mattie Mc Grath is seeking a discontinuation of the ‘incompatible with life’ label for children diagnosed with a life limiting condition.


Vatican warns of human-induced climate change

Conference statement says, "Human-induced climate change is a scientific reality, and its decisive mitigation is a moral and religious imperative for humanity."


Trócaire pledges €100,000 to Nepal disaster

Emergency appeal launched: Trócaire requests public's support to help it deliver aid to those in dire need in following massive earthquake.


Vatican raises Christian persecution at UN

UN Secretary General, Ban ki-Moon, will meet Pope Francis in the Vatican later this month to issues including climate change.


Irish families to launch global campaign at the UN

Initiative aims to end disability discrimination caused by ‘incompatible with life’ label.


Parents may need to limit number of children: Pope

Pontiff calls for responsible parenthood saying, "Some think that ... in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No."


St Francis’ manuscripts bound for UN

One of the highlights of the exhibition is Manuscript 338 containing the ‘Canticle of the Sun’.


Vatican urges UN to act on Iraqi persecution

Chaldean Catholic bishop calls for establishment of an international force to combat advance of Islamic State.


PLC accuses UN of ignoring ‘right to life’ of unborn

Ireland in breach of international human rights legislation by not having wider access to abortion UN Rapporteur suggests.


Jesuit missionary shot dead in Homs

Fr Frans van der Lugt stayed with Christians unable to flee conflict.


Bishop thanks Pope for peace efforts on Syria

Vatican to hold study day on the plight of the Syrian people.


WHO reports reduction in malaria rates

An estimated 3.3 million lives saved since 2000 although 3.4 billion remain at risk.


UN launches €4.7bn aid appeal for Syrian crisis

Talks continue over 12 nuns kidnapped on 6 December.


Tánaiste to attend Millennium Development Goals Summit

Some progress reported on MDGs but UN Secretary General warns against complacency.


Nun who helps LRA’s victims honoured by UN

Victims of DRC conflict seek Sr Angelique's help to recover from trauma and damage.

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