“It is the little island of Ireland stepping up as much as it can in terms of awareness so that people realise that human trafficking is hidden in plain sight, and there is so much trafficking beyond the sex trade” – Anne Kelleher, Act to Prevent Trafficking (APT).
“There needs to be a consistent approach that supports those in prostitution and where we see pimps and other exploiters being prosecuted, not the women,” Ruhama said.
“Europe has the power to save and protect people. It’s a just question of political will to provide safe ways for people to enter Europe without risking their lives.”
Christians err when they think there is a ‘theology of prosperity’ in which God “sees that you are just and gives you much wealth”.
Group's efforts to free the victims of new forms of slavery, rehabilitate them, and unmask the traffickers and those who create this market praised.
Archbishop of Dublin calls for a generous response to those caught up in the largest refugee crisis since the Second World War.
Sexual Offences Bill will be an opportunity to “wreck the business model” for pimps and traffickers and ensure that Ireland is no longer a safe haven for such crimes.
Bishop McAreavey calls for law to criminalise the purchase of sex to be enacted quickly in the Republic of Ireland.
Catholic Primate says New Year's resolution should include personal and public awareness of what trafficking is and how it can be prevented.
Message for ‘World Day of Peace’ tackles human slavery, migration, slave labour, organ trafficking, those forced into prostitution, and child soldiers.
Washington official stresses the important role the Church has played in defining trafficking as a crime against humanity.
Annual US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report launched.
A record number of women accessed Ruhama's services last year.