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ACN book launch takes place this evening

Everybody will have an opportunity to have a direct encounter with witnesses — that is, people who have directly experienced violence in defending their faith — and that’s a rare opportunity for people in Ireland - Dr Michael Kinsella.


“Barbaric” attack on Northern Irish businessman condemned from the altar in Derrylin

“In the name of God, and in the name of our community, we ask these people to stop the violence now."


Snow adds hardship for struggling refugees in Greece

Winter makes life in Moria and the improvised Olive Grove camp even harder than it already is for asylum seekers, and especially for the most vulnerable.


Kidnapped schoolgirls remembered in Nigeria

“Not only have the girls not been released but nothing is known about their fate" - Mgr Kaigama.


UN report highlights North Korean crimes

Christian Solidarity Worldwide urges Security Council to respond to regime’s brutality.


Concern for imprisoned Christian lawyer in China

Gao Zhisheng twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for defending China's persecuted.


Oscar-winning Javier Bardem campaigns for Western Sahara

New documentary tells a story which rarely reaches the media or the public.

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