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Synod on the Family

Irish Primates welcome Pope’s Amoris Laetitia

"Pope Francis realises that we do not live in a world where ... all that is needed is either to repeat doctrinal formulations or to set these doctrines aside and be ‘pastoral’.”


Synod exhortation may be published by weekend

Italian newspaper reports Cardinal Kasper as stating that in a “few days” a document of about “two hundred pages will be released”.


Church must harness best of new communications

Primate suggests Maynooth offer a theology course specifically tailored for those working in Church communications and religious affairs.


Primate appeals for cohesive plan for refugees

“We are being confronted with a human tragedy that requires a generous political and church partnership to help meet the needs of these vulnerable people."


Pope celebrates Mass at conclusion of Synod

Pope warns of followers of Jesus who are able to speak about him but live far from his heart, which is reaching out to those who are wounded.


‘Synod has provided manifesto for pastoral action’

The synod faced the “delicate task of trying to balance mercy and truth, doctrine and pastoral care, justice and forgiveness” - Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Pastoral practice must deepen Church teaching

Archbishop Martin tells Synod press conference Church must accompany vocation of marriage just as it accompanies vocation to priesthood.


Parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux canonised in Rome

Louis and Zélie Martin are the first married couple with children to become saints in Church history.


ACCORD worked with 60,000 people last year

The canonisation of married couple Blessed Louis and Zèile Martin, parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux, is the first in the history of the Church.


Pope asks forgiveness for the Church’s scandals

“I would like, in the name of the Church, to ask for forgiveness for the scandals which recently have fallen both on Rome and the Vatican.”


Irish archbishops selected for roles at Rome Synod

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin elected as rapporteur of one English-speaking group, while Archbishop Eamon Martin elected as moderator of his group.


Pope defends Church’s teaching on marriage

God’s dream for his creation is to see it fulfilled “in the loving union between a man and a woman, rejoicing in their shared journey, fruitful in their mutual gift of self”.


Pope appeals to laity for more active engagement

Pontiff to celebrate outdoor Mass for over a million pilgrims at World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.


ACI support introduction of married priests

Support for Bishop O’Reilly's suggestion that the bishops set up a commission to study the possibility of ordaining married men & appointing female deacons.


Cardinal Pell speaks about role of laity in Cork

Pope Francis' "support is indispensable" to the Secretariat for the Economy Australian Prefect states.


Theology should be done at coal face of experience

Bishop Kevin Dowling of Rustenburg in South Africa tells CORI AGM that to restate and reaffirm traditional ideals for marriage is the easy part.


ACI & Archbishop discuss marriage and the family

The bishops are to set up a special review group to examine how best the Church can continue to support marriage and family life in Ireland.


Synod without married laity will lack authority: ACI

"Priests who left the Church to marry should be invited back and would bring the experience of marriage to their ministry."


The family is a privileged place of encounter: Pope

The great challenge facing people today is to learn once again how to talk to one another, not simply how to generate and consume information.


Church must listen to married couples: Archbishop

The sacrament of marriage is a sacrament given for the building up of the Church.


Family challenges leave couples reluctant to marry

Address by Bishop Kevin Doran on ‘The Synod on the Family and its Implications for our Understanding of Marriage’.


Make contribution to Oct synod: Archbishop

Pope Francis desires that God’s people around the world should have an opportunity to make their contribution to the process.


Christian unity shouldn’t be “for one week only”

Chairperson of the Dublin Council of Churches urges members and patrons not to return unchanged to their various Christian communities.


Throw-away culture undermines marriage: Pope

"Marriage should not be seen just as a social rite" Pontiff tells members of Schoenstatt movement.


Some prelates seek to row back on synod document

Cardinal Burke claims relatio does not accurately reflect Synod discussions but “advances positions which many Synod Fathers do not accept.”


Synod needs to show how teaching can develop

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin briefs journalists in the Vatican on Saturday, halfway through the Synod discussions.


Synod needs to recognise grandparents’ role: CGA

"We have got to do everything to counteract that ['euthanasia'] mentality" founder of Catholic Grandparents Association warns.


Pell joins Communion & remarried divorcees debate

Five cardinals jointly author book defending Church’s current position.


Archbishop prays for Irish peace-keepers

Archbishop Martin also suggests "Church must find new ways of listening to the special witness of married couples."


Archbishop urges participation in Rosary initiative

Rosary Sunday (5 October) coincides with the ‘Day for Life 2014’ and the 60th anniversary of the Rosary Rally.

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