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A beacon of hope

In 2005 the Church published The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. This is an accessible summary of Catholic social teaching of the last century. Gerry O’Hanlon stresses that this is not something added on to our faith. It is the practical application of the Gospel.


Priest, Prophet and President

Canon 285 par 3 of the Code of Canon Law states: “Clerics are forbidden to assume public office whenever it means sharing in the exercise of civil power”. Columban missionary Fr Shay Cullen asks us not to judge too hastily those who have felt the struggle for justice has warranted [...]


Communion + Friendship = Liberation!

Andrew Carvell outlines how the annual Rimini Festival of faith and friendship, the largest Catholic cultural event in Europe, manages to attract up to one million Catholics annually.


Sophia – Lady Wisdom at work

Tom Cahill talks with Jean Quinn, founder of the Sophia Housing Association which takes a holistic approach to helping homeless people.


A look inside our prisons

Peter McVerry SJ reviews the first report of the Inspector of Prisons in Ireland, and is glad to see that it has not missed the shameful reality of life for many criminals in the prison system.


The world and the kingdom of God

Sean O’Conaill argues for the continued aptness of the title of ‘King’ for Christ and for the language of the Kingdom of God, seeing it as an affirmation of the essential equality of all humans.


Power of images

Advertising, politics, entertainment: are we losing our grip on reality?

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