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Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP)

SVP elects new national president

“The Society of St Vincent de Paul in Ireland has faced many challenges over its 176 years in the country. But the current COVID-19 pandemic is probably one of the most difficult,” said new president, Rose McGowan.


Concern over planned electricity levy price rise

"Energy usage during the restrictions has increased as people are at home more, and many households will experience bill shocks at a time when they are on a reduced income. This must be factored into decisions regarding the application of the PSO levy in 2020/2021, as the proposed increase will add additional pressure to already struggling households,” said Kieran Stafford, National President, SVP.


SVP urges Government to tackle poverty as calls for help increase

“The concentration of job losses in low paid sectors means that the impact (of COVID-19) has disproportionately fallen on groups that are least able to endure a financial hit,” said Kieran Stafford, national president, SVP.


Extra support needed for those already under stress, say charities

“In the coming weeks, we expect to see an increased demand for our support as families find themselves in financial stress and hardship,” said Kieran Stafford, National President, SVP.


SVP launches Annual Appeal for Christmas

Christmas puts serious strain on the resources of those who seek help from the SVP.


SVP appeals for books for children

Just ten minutes a day of reading with children of all ages can help create readers for life and make a crucial difference to their future.


SVP speaks out on fuel poverty versus carbon tax

The charity stated that if revenue is raised from carbon taxes in Budget 2020 it must be ring-fenced for a Just Transition Fund and measures to protect low income households from energy price hikes.


Housing Assistance Payments fail to prevent homelessness say charities

The report finds that while HAP is intended to help families pay for a place to live, the reality is that HAP is so low that many cannot afford private rental accommodation.


SVP to host retail conference for its shops

The conference will facilitate discussion on challenges and opportunities facing charity retail in 2019, for example how SVP charity shops might approach trading in the global phenomenon called the “experience economy”.


SVP report finds greater poverty among lone parents

“This report shows Ireland has a long way to go in creating pathways to sustainable, decent and family friendly employment which will address the growing issue of in-work poverty among lone parents” – Dr Tricia Keilthy, SVP.


Consistent poverty rate falls, but families still struggle at Christmas

SVP is still receiving an average of 1000 calls for help every day from worried families in the run-up to Christmas and is particularly concerned about some people in private rented accommodation.


Energy price increases leave families out in the cold this Christmas – SVP

Data from Eurostat show that among EU peer countries Ireland has the second highest rate of households who cannot afford to adequately heat their home and the highest percentage of utility arrears.


Welcome and reservations for measures in Budget 2019

“Today was a step in the right direction, but we have a long way to go” – SVP.


One in four households living in energy poverty in Ireland

“People are already trying to pay back huge energy bills after the ‘Beast from the East’ hit and now, with further hikes on top of that, many simply won’t be able to cope” – Bishop Denis Nulty.


Sponsor a student and change a life for good

You can help prevent someone with enormous potential from dropping out of college just because they can’t afford the day-to-day expenses of student life.


As cold snap hits, SVP pledge to help with fuel bills

SVP will look sympathetically on requests for assistance with high heating bills. 


Charities call on Government to act on family and child poverty

“Based on the experience of our 11,000 members, we are willing to engage with Government to relate how future policies should be poverty proofed and work for those families that are struggling,” - Kieran Stafford, SVP National President.


Brendan O’Neill elected new SVP Northern President

The Portaferry native will have responsibility for the Society’s 1850 volunteers, 70 paid staff and 32 shops in Northern Ireland.


Over 5,000 calls to SVP seeking back-to-school help

“Back-to-school this week has been a really exciting time for lots of children and their parents. But for many low income and struggling households, the preparation for the new school year has been a huge source of stress and anxiety”.


SVP welcomes new supports for third level students

The groups being targeted include entrants from under-represented socio-economic groups and communities.


Cautious welcome for school cost reductions

SVP members regularly visit families who put off paying bills, fall into debt, or sacrifice spending on food and other essentials to cover school costs such as events, exams, curricular-based sport and music, trips and equipment.


Homeless crisis hasn’t improved since death of Jonathan Corrie

Special edition of SVP Bulletin highlights how Corrie's death “sparked a national conversation about homelessness but many campaigners feel the situation has not improved since then.”


SVP criticises proposed increase in PSO Levy on electricity bills

Proposed 36% increase in the Public Service Obligation Levy (PSO) will wipe out almost 50% of recent savings for electricity customers.


New tenant purchase scheme may deplete housing stock

SVP seriously concerned at the shortage of local authority housing as numbers on waiting list jumps dramatically.


SVP concerned by delay in forming new Government

“The opportunity to realise a fair, inclusive and sustained recovery for the people it assists is being eroded by the absence of a new government.”


Belfast Mayor honours unsung NGOs

Ten charities honoured including Trócaire, Christian Aid, Habitat NI, Tear Fund and Concern.


SVP anticipating increase in calls for help

Between now and Christmas, in the region of 140,000 people throughout the country will be visited by SVP volunteers.


SVP slams use of hotels for homeless families

Measures needed to deal with the critical shortage of social housing.


First Minister praises SVP and Salvation Army co-operation

The battle against poverty is one we can win if we do it as a united community: Peter Robinson.


SVP outline budget proposals to Oireachtas Committee

SVP advocating for a living income in and out of work, reduced child poverty and better energy affordability.

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