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Society of African Missions

“Christians fear for their lives,” says Nigerian priest

“For four years, since I became a priest in 2016, I have been burying my parishioners,” – Fr Ebute.


Nairobi college honours two Irish missionaries

Co Cork-born Bishop Maurice Crowley is a member of St Patrick’s Missionary Society and Co Roscommon-born Fr Padraig Devine is a member of the Society of African Missions.


Be conscious of throwaway mentality this Christmas – Primate

“I can’t understand why people would choose to attack Greta Thunberg. She is passionate about what she believes; she is only a young girl and she is speaking prophetically to the world and what do we do – we attack her. We attack her message."


Please pray for kidnapped SMA missionary, asks Archbishop O’Reilly

‘It is good at this moment of prayer to remember the missionaries who may be in difficult situations because of war and civil unrest. I particularly ask that you remember a colleague of mine, Fr Pier Luigi Maccalli SMA, kidnapped in Niger,’ says Archbishop O’Reilly.


Laudato Tree project aims to create corridor of trees across Africa

“I think this project could especially catch the imagination of the young people of Ireland, in their youth groups, schools, colleges and workplaces,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin.


“It is time to revive our missionary genes”

Archbishop Eamon Martin launches the Extraordinary Month of Mission and urges dioceses, congregations and young people to support the ‘Laudato Tree’ project.


Pray for safe return of kidnapped missionary, says Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly

Fr Pierluigi Maccalli SMA, working in Niger, is believed to have been kidnapped by jihadist militants.


Lord Mayor of Cork to launch new interfaith calendar

“Our aim is to increase people’s acceptance that there are different faiths present in Ireland today and help them understand that we can all live with and get on with each other.”


Irish priest’s foundation having transformative effect in Kenya

Shalom Centre invited by UN to discuss possible strategic contributions it can make in helping with the creation of Africa's Great Green Wall.


Irish priest’s peace building and conflict resolution programme expands in Africa

In 2009 Fr Patrick Devine SMA founded the Shalom Centre for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation. It has now trained over 9,600 community leaders and village elders as peacemakers.


Irish missionary to lecture on conflict transformation methods at Queen’s

Senator George Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice at Belfast university will host Fr Patrick Devine who established the Shalom Centre for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation in 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya.


Thousands attend OLA-SMA Knock pilgrimage

“Migrants are our brothers and sisters in search of a better life, far away from poverty, hunger and exploitation, much like our forefathers at the time of the famine."


Bishops recall Ad Gentes in mission month

Ad Gentes “Put the missionary agenda firmly at the heart of the life of the Church” - Archbishop Kieran O'Reilly SMA.


Family relieved as Irish priest released from captivity

Delight in Co Mayo as missionary Fr Billy Sheridan SMA, who was kidnapped north-west Nigeria, released unhurt.


New archbishop reflects on his calling to priesthood

Archbishop Kieran O'Reilly SMA shares his thoughts on his own consecration to God in advance of his installation in Cashel & Emly.


Killaloe pilgrims depart for Rome canonisations

Special Mass on Monday concelebrated by Cardinal and Bishop for Irish pilgrims in Rome.


Pope names Bishop O’Reilly to Vatican Congregation

Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated and Apostolic Life oversees 900,000 members.


Irish missionary to receive International Caring Award

Society of African Missions priest recognised for promoting peace and reconciliation in Kenya.

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