Social Justice Ireland warns of "precarious" employment with an increase in the number of part-time jobs which have left many underemployed.
Some 123 million EU citizens – one in every four – are at risk of poverty and social exclusion – an increase of 7 million in the six years up to 2013.
Social Justice Ireland calls on the Coalition to ensure its policies on climate change are coherent.
Social Justice Ireland warns that the number of people with jobs who are in poverty (the ‘working poor’) remains at very high levels.
Nearly one in seven people are in poverty of whom 211,000 are children.
In 1994, 5.9% of people age 65 or older were ‘at risk’ of poverty. This currently stands at 9.7% of people in this age group.
By 2025 the number of people in Ireland aged over 85 years will have doubled: SJI.
Numbers living in poverty have increased by 120,000 since beginning of the recession, Social Justice Ireland highlights.
Call for large corporations to pay at least 6% of their profits in corporation tax.
Put people, not economies first, say Amnesty, SVP and Social Justice Ireland.
Futures based on the primacy of the market are not likely to be just or fair warns SJI.
Social Justice Ireland publishes 2014 Socio-Economic Review.
SJI criticises Government as CSO figures show 756,591 people in poverty in Ireland.
New study reveals disturbing levels of poverty and deprivation in seven EU countries.
Widening the bands will benefit the better off, not those earning low incomes.
Troika’s selective use of data led to inaccurate analysis which led to inappropriate policy decisions.
SJI and SVP call for a vision for Ireland which incorporates social equality for all citizens.
Social Justice Ireland criticises Government’s Medium-Term Economic Strategy.
“We need progressive budgets to protect those on very low and middle incomes."
No vision, no direction and no solutions in Budget 2014 SJI warns.
New Study shows how universal pension can be funded.
Social Justice Ireland proposes new €7bn 3-year investment programme to boost recovery.