The parish priest and team were looking around to see where and how Confirmations could be held, and came up with the idea of the racecourse which was open-air and allowed for social distancing.
"It has become increasingly clear that the wearing of face coverings is likely to reduce the spread of coronavirus, thus helping to protect others," say Irish Church leaders.
Sixty per cent of young people surveyed said that they are worried about Covid-19 when they think of returning to school.
"The sisters are leaving and it will be a huge wrench for them and for people in the community," said Mary Crawford, former school principal of St Joseph's, Spanish Point.
"We should be prudent with numbers in the early days to allow us time to get some experience of managing numbers," Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has cautioned.
"No church should be opened for public prayer or worship until satisfactory arrangements, as indicated in this Framework, have been put in place.”
"There is no doubt that the greatest cross has been carried by those who have lost loved ones, as they have been unable to observe the rites and rituals associated with mourning," says Bishop Noel Treanor.
"We propose that, in addition to wearing face masks, ministers of the Eucharist would wear gloves, so there would be no contact of hands during the distribution of Communion," says Fr Dermot Leycock.
"The protection of life and the common good are guiding principles as we continue planning for safe and responsible return to Mass and sacraments," said Archbishop Eamon Martin.
“It has been very difficult for us not being able to gather together in our beautiful church buildings. We’ve had to rely on spiritual communion,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh.
"If the Department of Education listens to people on the ground, provides additional resources and puts in place a proper road map we will see a return to school in the Autumn," says Seamus Mulconry.
“There are no visits of any kind to prisons in England and Wales at the moment, so whenever prisoners do get in contact ... and ask us to get in touch with their family in Ireland, we will be happy to do it,” said chaplain Fr Gerry McFlynn.
Focus Ireland and its partners have moved 80 families with 150 children out of homelessness since the start of the COVID-19 restrictions, while the Peter McVerry Trust has housed 26 people since the virus struck and expects more to move soon.
“We desire the opening of our churches and access to the sacraments. Until then, we are continuing to pray and prepare," says Cardinal Vin Nichols and four other archbishops.
“I may be looking out at empty pews, but in my mind’s eye and with the eyes of my heart, I can see you in your living rooms, in nursing homes, hospital wards or perhaps driving in your cars, all linked spiritually in the ‘family of families’ that is the Church,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin.
"Jesus Christ, come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love," says prayer of Bishop of Ferns
It is understandable to feel fear and anxiety when the way we need to respond to this crisis separates us from the very things that help to keep us grounded and connected.