Lockdown measures have increased the difficulty for trafficking victims of escaping and finding help when they are held in situations against their will, says Caritas International.
Alliance wants to meet with Gardaí to discuss the continued implementation of the more recent Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017, and ensure it is used in the way in which it was intended – to support those who are sexually exploited.
The 2018 Annual Report marks three decades of front-line work by Ruhama with those it describes as “some of the most vulnerable and marginalised women in Ireland”.
“It is now illegal to purchase sex in this country and the penalties for organising and profiting from prostitution have been increased. More needs to be done to ensure that these laws are properly enforced.”
Contribution of religious congregations to the efforts to eradicate human trafficking and provide care and support to victims recognised.
Speaking at the launch of Ruhama's annual report, Senator Bacik says criminalising the purchaser has resulted in a reduction in prostitution and trafficking in Sweden.
“Crucial” that Minister Fitzgerald implements legislation to criminalise the purchase of sexual services in the Republic: Ruhama.