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The Risen Lord is among us, says Diarmuid Martin

Jesus is risen and is with us and He helps us to be people of life and light in a time marked by many dimensions of darkness.


Catholic Communications director is made a Fellow of the PRII

Martin Long has been the bishops’ spokesman and has headed up the communications office in Maynooth since 2003.


Diarmuid Martin gives a St Kilian’s Day vision of the future for our Church

The Church has to become less narrowly institutional and allow other forms of charismatic presence to animate it.


Primate concerned that hard borders accentuate differences

Archbishop Eamon Martin worried that a return to borders, checkpoints and customs could “play into the hands of those who would exploit it”.


UK bishops urge Christians to fully participate in elections

Election “will determine how we can heal divisions in our society, care for the vulnerable, how our public services are run and whether we can remain a united kingdom” – Catholic Bishops of England and Wales.


The Church is a protector and guarantor of true pluralism

“In our age of flattened earth, narrowed horizons, conformity to a shallow consumerism and superficial variety that masks a deeper conformity, the role of the Church is to be the Church."


New entity will replace IMU and CORI this month

Formation of the Association of Missionaries and Religious of Ireland (AMRI) in mid June as IMU and CORI bow out.


First Catholic service at Hampton Court in 450 years

Saying that the service was a “celebration of a common agenda”, Bishop Chartres concluded, “Welcome home Cardinal.”


Council of Churches discusses Reformation’s legacy

German Protestant Church's special envoy for 500th anniversary of Reformation says Churches have to see the creative power of confessional difference.


Laity’s role in evangelisation needs to be recognised

Head of Pontifical Council for New Evangelisation sees hope for Irish Church in "great participation" of laity in Church.


Bishops urged to appoint advisory ‘Council of Eight’

Crisis of faith is far more serious than most Church leaders recognise, warns head of Mater Dei.


Archbishop calls for debate on denominational education

“Religion and politics need to converse if education is to flourish rather than flounder."


Pope emeritus in good form and very alert

Ratzinger Student Circle meets Pope Emeritus for special Mass.

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