Bishop Larry Duffy of Clogher issues Pastoral Letter for the Season of Creation.
Bishop Of Derry urges the faithful to build community despite their differences because “A fragmenting world will not see Jesus in a fractious church."
The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has listed on its website some resources for use in dioceses, parishes and in the home during the Season of Creation 2020.
“If every family in the world consumed the same as the average Irish family consumes today, we would need 3.3 planets to supply our needs. This is simply unsustainable,” says Bishop Nulty.
Chairman of CAFOD, the Catholic Church’s aid and development agency in Britain, issues statement for World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
“This contract demonstrates that it is becoming easier than ever before to cut carbon emissions from our public and private sector buildings.”
Describing the threat to the planet's oceans as an “emergency”, Pontiff warns “We need to pray as if everything depended on God’s providence, and work as if everything depended on us.”