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Savita Halappanavar

Abortion and healthcare

Ciara Ferry continues her weekly series looking back at the week’s coverage of the forthcoming referendum. This week, Ciara looks at abortion and healthcare.


Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri’s call for repeal of 8th challenged by nun

Constitutional Amendment “is a sign that our society here is just, equitable, hospitable, humane to everyone, protective of the most defenceless and vulnerable” – Sr Kathleen McGarvey OLA.


Dail Committee accused of bias to change 8th Amendment

“Ireland deserves better than that. I will not add any further credence to this deeply flawed process or to its inevitable and equally flawed conclusion that a referendum is required to repeal the 8th amendment without any meaningful Constitutional protection for the unborn child.”- Prof Casey


Same sex marriage vote was an error: Bishop Cullinan

Bishop questions whether the State really cares about marriage in view of the fact that it doesn't have marriage preparation courses.


Govt blamed over sepsis guidelines failure

The Pro Life Campaign has accused the Government of exploiting the Savita Halappanavar case to get abortion legislation instead of prioritising patient safety.


Count down to Rally for Life in Dublin

This year's theme is ‘Every Life Matters’ because children with disabilities and those with life limiting conditions are being targeted warns rally organiser Ide Nic Mhatuna.


PLC demand Govt response to UK abortion death

32-year-old woman living in Ireland bled to death in the back of a taxi within hours of undergoing an abortion at a Marie Stopes clinic in London.


PLC lashes RTE over abortion documentary

RTÉ accused of failing in its obligation to provide balance to the Irish public on the abortion issue.


Hospital review shows paper’s story didn’t exist

Review at National Maternity Hospital shows Ireland's ban on abortion did not prevent doctors from intervening to save mothers.


Pro Life Campaign hits out at ‘abortion pill train’

“This appears to be an initiative more concerned with garnering publicity for the pro-choice cause rather than a genuine regard for women's health and well-being.”


PLC: Savita’s death was about mismanagement

Nine staff who treated Ms Halappanavar before her death at Galway University Hospital disciplined.


Vigil 4 Life draws crowd of 15,000

Recently commissioned poll shows clear majority of women are opposed to abortion.

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