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Prince Charles will lead UK delegation at Newman canonisation in Rome

“His ministry, especially among the poor, is a permanent sign of the Church’s pastoral compassion and a challenge to us all today.”


Bishop Nulty pays tribute to “indispensable” Poor Clares

“They are an invaluable powerhouse of prayer for the wider diocese and indeed much further afield.”


A new movie about Sister Faustina to be released this autumn

In her visions, Our Lord wore a white garment with red and pale rays emanating from his heart.


Irish aid agency welcomes Oscar Romero’s canonisation

“Archbishop Romero’s values, conviction and compassion still influence Trócaire today and help guide us in our work.”


Seven to be canonised in Rome today

Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio will be made a saint today, in line with Pope Francis's desire to canonise a teenage saint during the month-long meeting of the world Synod of Bishops on Young People.


Overflow of joy at Fr Sullivan beatification in Dublin

Faithful to the vow of poverty, he gave immediately to others every gift he received.


Seven new saints for the Church

Three of the new saints are from the Spanish speaking world, while two are French and two are Italian. Two of the new saints are martyrs.


New bishop of Waterford & Lismore installed

“We put ourselves at the service of others especially those most in need in our society: the poor, the sick, the vulnerable, those who feel alienated from God”.


President of CatholicTV talks faith and media

Fr Robert Reed is the CEO of a major Catholic television network in the US. He has just published his first book. He talks about the saints, priesthood, renewal and 'Renewed'.


‘A time of opportunity for religious broadcasting’

President of CatholicTV in the US talks about the media, his debut book and his favourite saints.


Pope calls for prayers for forgotten souls

Pontiff marks Feast of All Souls and hails “the anonymous who rest in common graves as unknown saints”.


St Brigid’s Way making great strides

Pilgrimage starts at Brigid's Well in Faughart Co Louth on 28 June and arrives in Kildare on 6 July.


Cardinal Brady celebrates Mass of thanksgiving

Clonmacnois was the place in Ireland which touched St John Paul II most deeply.


John XXIII and John Paul II canonised

St John XXIII defined as “the Pope of openness to the Holy Spirit” and St John Paul II as “the Pope of the Family."


Archbishop recalls Saints John XXIII and John Paul II

Primate of Ireland refuses to respond to polemics of those who caricature two popes.


Pope urges the faithful to think about hope for All Saints

All those who preceded us and died in the Lord are there in heaven with God - Pope Francis.


Columbanus in his own words – Tomás Ó Fiaich

Columbanus was Ireland's first European. Shrines, towns and landmarks across Europe bear Columbanus's name and testify to the widespread diffusion of devotion to the saint.


John Paul II: The path to sainthood

Fr Michael Collins gives an account of the life of Pope John Paul II, his youth and early years in Krakow, how he arranged his daily and apostolic life as Pope.


Walking with the Saints – Jenny Child

'Walking with the Saints' is a collection of inspiring stories and thoughtful prayers based on the lives of the saints for every day of the year.


Words from the heart: Selected from …

Through his intimate experience of Jesus crucified, Paul of the Cross showed his age and ages to come how to interpret reality through and in the light of Christ's Passion.


Catherine of Siena: a passionate life

If you know next to nothing about Catherine of Siena, this most recent biography by Don Brophy of a truly exceptional woman is a good place to start.


Mary MacKillop: the ground of her loving

164 pp. Darton Longman and Todd Ltd. To purchase this book online, go to www.dltbooks.com

After a first chapter on the life of St Mary MacKillop, Margaret Paton delves quite deeply into what inspired this great Australian woman and her devotion to children and to the poor. She also explores MacKillop’s articulate intelligence which [...]


Heart speaks to heart: the story of Blessed John Newman

Pope Benedict will be present in Birmingham at the beatification of Cardinal Newman. Coincidental with this event, Dermot Mansfield SJ has written an excellent and very accessible biography.


The everyday wisdom of Mary Aikenhead

This book is a selection of extracts from the letters of Mary Aikenhead – one for every day of the year – containing wisdom inspiration and challenge, reflecting her deep spirituality. She founded the Religious Sisters of Charity in 1815 to work with the poor and most vulnerable people.


14. St Laurence O’Toole: a spiritual leader for difficult times

Archbishop of Dublin during the takeover of Ireland by the Normans and King Henry II, his efforts in the peace process and his frustration with King Henry probably caused his early death. Highly honoured at Eu in Normandy, France, where he died. Kevin Doran, parish priest of Glendalough, tells his [...]


Herald of hope: reflections on the life and spirit of St Charles of Mount Argus

The Passionist Fathers have put together nine meditations which were give during the Novena of Hope in the Church of St Paul of the Cross. They commemorate the life and spirit of the man who by his simple holiness captivated the people who came to the same church during his [...]


Edith Stein

Edith Stein was canonised on October 11th 1998. She was a Jew who studied philosophy and then became an atheist, but through the example of the deep faith of a Protestant widow and her own reading of St Teresa of Avila, she became a Carmelite nun. At Auschwitz she was [...]


Discovering Saint Patrick

This book is a real effort to distinguish between the problems and perspectives of the hagiographer on the one hand and the historian on the other. Thomas O’Loughlin’s book tries to get the best value from both.


Fr Peter Higgins: the Naas martyr

Henry Peel OP traces the life of Fr Peter Higgins, a Dominican priest who was martyred in Dublin in 1642, during the days of the penal laws.


To heal the broken hearted: the life of Saint Charles of Mount Argus

This biography of Saint Charles of Mount Argus gives us some ideas of the inner struggles through which he learned the compassion for which he became so famous. It is high quality hagiography, contains some beautiful illustrations and the accounts of the miracles that led to his canonisation.

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