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More candidates take a step closer to sainthood

Fr Patrick Peyton the well known “Rosary Priest” as well as 16 martyrs killed for their faith during the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War, have been cleared for beatification.


New path to sainthood announced by Pope Francis

Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


Mother Kevin: a cause for celebration

The Irish woman’s greatest legacy is the Congregation of the Little Sisters of St Francis, which has more than 550 members in Africa today.


Consistory to set date for Bl Teresa’s canonisation

Pope will sign decree for the canonisation of the 'Saint of the Gutters' on 15 March setting the date and venue of her sainthood ceremony.


Parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux canonised in Rome

Louis and Zélie Martin are the first married couple with children to become saints in Church history.


Mother Mary Aikenhead on path to sainthood

Pope Francis declares Irish foundress of Religious Sisters of Charity Venerable.


All roads lead to Rome for canonisations

3,000 Irish pilgrims attend canonisation of John XXIII and John Paul II.


John Paul II and John XXIII to be canonised in April 2014

Pope Emeritus Benedict may join Pope Francis at double canonisation ceremony.

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