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Saint John Paul II

Irish bishops offer resources for Season of Creation 2020

The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has listed on its website some resources for use in dioceses, parishes and in the home during the Season of Creation 2020.


British and Argentinian military chaplains exchange statues 37 years after Falklands War

"The statues will serve as an ongoing reminder to pray for all of those who fell in the Falklands War, while also giving us a symbol of unity in faith and an aid to our prayers for peace," says the UK's Bishop of the Forces, Paul Mason.


Saint Teresa relic begins national tour of Ireland

The tour, which began in Belfast, will include visits to Derry, Tuam, Dublin, Knock and the archdiocese of Cashel and Emly.


Build bridges and tear down barriers Pope urges WYD pilgrims

"I worry when I see young people who have 'thrown in the towel' before the game has even begun, who are defeated even before they begin to play, who walk around glumly as if life has no meaning."


Pope Francis and Castro discuss the environment

Papal visit coincides with the 80th anniversary of the renewal of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Cuba and the Holy See.


80 Years of Knock Shrine Stewards and Handmaids

Speaking as the son of a Knock Shrine steward and handmaid, Archbishop Neary said he was “very conscious of the dedication which they bring to their work”.

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