Rob Kowalski, who advocates abstaining from sex until after marriage, is to tour Ireland during Easter.
“My struggle is over, yours continues.”
Fr Ciprian Matei, from the Archdiocese of Bucharest, Romania, is to become Curate (CC) in Portlaoise parish.
“It is my express intention to keep all our 117 churches open. This won’t happen without support from outside Ireland. This won’t happen without lay people taking a greater role of leadership in their local faith communities,” said Bishop Nulty.
“Given the sector added over 220 emergency beds in Dublin in late 2016 and has worked constantly to increase housing ‘move ons’ we had hoped that the figure would not be on the increase” – Pat Doyle, CEO.
“There needs to be a consistent approach that supports those in prostitution and where we see pimps and other exploiters being prosecuted, not the women,” Ruhama said.