He said that the destruction of St Mel’s Cathedral in 2009 touched many, as did the fire in Paris, where the people expressed shock, disbelief and real sadness about the devastation. But ultimately we are the Church; we are the house that God wants to rebuild.
The 28 steps come from a staircase in Pontius Pilate’s palace in Jerusalem and are believed to be where Jesus Christ walked on his way to his trial.
Canon Wulfran Lebocq of the Institute of Christ the King needs €6,800 to fund altar for Sacred Heart Church in Limerick's Crescent.
St Mary's church celebrates the 175th anniversary of its establishment this year and is currently undergoing a €500,000 restoration project.
More than 100,000 people have visited St Mel’s Cathedral since it re-opened last Christmas five years after it was burnt to a shell on Christmas Day 2009.
The reopening of St Mel's has been a “great blessing” and an “uplifting moment” for the diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnois according to parish priest, Fr Brendan O'Sullivan.
After a massive €30 million renovation programme, using the latest building technology and the skills of master craftsmen and contemporary artists, St Mel’s Cathedral will be officially rededicated on Sunday 17 May 2015.
Longford's Phoenix is seen as a symbol of the renewal for the Irish Church.
“From the start we set ourselves a five-year target to achieve a functional cathedral for Christmas 2014" - Fr Tom Healy.
Vandalising of five metre steel cross sparks debate over whether Christian symbols should be placed on public landmarks.
Celebrating the restoration of the Dublin church, Archbishop says the parish can begin to set priorities for its pastoral mission in the years to come.
12 portraits of 12 Jesuits active since the Restoration in 1814 featured over 12 months.
Completely restored organ blessed and dedicated at Sunday vespers.
€700,000 project completed at 13th century Lady Chapel in Dublin cathedral