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No bones about it: Archaeologists convinced remains are those of Britain’s first abbess

"It is remarkable that we can place Folkestone’s patron saint in the very church that bears her name," says Dr Andrew Richardson of the Finding Eanswythe Project.


About that gift – Pope sends explanatory letter regarding relics to Constantinople

"The joining of the relics of the two brother Apostles can also serve as a constant reminder and encouragement that, on this continuing journey, our divergences will no longer stand in the way of our common witness and our evangelising mission."


Relics of St Oliver Plunkett to be venerated in Cavan next week

All kinds of people, of all ages and all backgrounds, turn up to pray before the relics, seeking St Oliver’s intercession for whatever their own private intentions may be.


St Valentine’s Day blessing for engaged couple

Bishop Denis Nulty, president of Accord, will release the Catholic Marriage Care Service’s 2016 figures for marriage preparation and marriage and relationship counselling.


Relics of St Maximilian Kolbe to visit Dublin

The Saint’s relics will visit Ireland on 1 - 2 October 2016 to mark the 75th anniversary of his martyrdom in Auschwitz in 1941.


Festival Day of St Oliver Plunkett to be celebrated today

"In new and unfamiliar countries the Irish pub, GAA club, provide a kind of home from home, a familiar place to gather, but so too the Church can provide a sense of home from home.”


St Anthony – help Irish goals to find the net in Lyon!

Caller to RTE's Liveline programme enlists the help of the popular saint to progress Irish soccer hopes.


Archbishop Martin welcomes St Anthony’s relics to Armagh

Primate of All Ireland implores Saint to help Irish people rediscover the gifts of faith, hope and love.


St Anthony is an ‘Apostle of charity’ – Archbishop Neary

Thousands of devotees in Knock told, “Wherever he went, crowds flocked to him. Hardened criminals and heretics alike were converted by him.”


Visit of the relics of St Anthony begins in Cahir today

“Everywhere we go we want people to have a special moment with him. When I watch people praying in front of the Saint’s relics I can see that something is happening to them; some are crying, others look so relieved.”


Relics of St Oliver Plunkett return to Kilmore

On Tuesday 7 June, the relics will arrive at Kilmore diocesan centre at 10am and will be available for veneration until 10pm that evening.


Knock prepares for thousands of devotees of St Anthony

Relics of the 'Saint of Lost Things' will visit eight locations in Ireland between 9 and 17 June before travelling on to Britain.


Relics of St Anthony return to Ireland

Outpouring of devotion by thousands of devotees expected in Cahir, Killarney, Knock, Sligo, Dublin, Longford, Derry and Armagh.


Increase in numbers at marriage preparation course

“It seems to suggest that the more communicative devices we have in life, the less communicative we are in our relationships” - President of Accord.


ACCORD worked with 60,000 people last year

The canonisation of married couple Blessed Louis and Zèile Martin, parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux, is the first in the history of the Church.


200th anniversary of the ordination of St John Vianney

Dublin parish to honour Curé d’Ars’ feast day and his priesthood with a novena.


Mass to be streamed live for St Anthony’s feast day

Hundreds of thousands of devotees of popular Italian saint invited to participate in feast day devotions via a live internet broadcast of Mass from the Basilica in Padua on 13 June.


A love story worthy of St Valentine’s Day

Young woman donated her kidney to young man she never met and now they are engaged and expecting their first child.


Pope Paul VI to be beatified on Sunday

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who was made a cardinal in 1977 by Pope Paul, will attend beatification ceremony.


250,000 venerated St Anthony’s relics in Ireland and UK

Franciscan delighted by huge numbers who felt Anthony to be a presence in their lives.


Relics of St Anthony proving a huge draw for the faithful

Thousands queue in Dublin and Cork to venerate popular Saint.


Archbishop Martin leads reception for relics of St Anthony

Warns believers against feeling that the Church has to compromise on the authenticity of its teaching.


St Anthony of Padua’s relics are on the way!

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/74280956]


Relics of St Anthony to visit Ireland and the UK

Relics will visit Dublin, Wexford, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Belfast between 17 and 24 October.

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