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Public opinion

Oireachtas committee decides to keep prayer for Dáil and Seanad

Public opinion is divided on the issue, with 42 per cent in favour of scrapping the prayer, 42 per cent who want to retain it, and 16 per cent who “don't know”.


‘Sinfulness is failure to love and failure to be merciful’

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin warns representatives of the legal establishment: “A political or judicial system which betrays or undervalues the equality and the dignity of all, betrays its calling and betrays humanity.”


The Tablet marks 175th anniversary with Dublin Mass

"For 175 years The Tablet has been a distinctive model of building up communication within the Church."


Archbishop Martin warns of growing housing crisis

"In the coming months existing services will experience enormous strain and many of those entering homelessness will be children.”


Vatican calls for abolition of death penalty at UN

"Irreversibility of this punishment does not allow for eventual corrections in the case of wrongful convictions."

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