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Pro Life Campaign

PLC censures Citizens’ Assembly report

How did Assembly become such a campaigning body for abortion? asks PLC. Declan Ganley to address All Ireland Rally for Life in Dublin city centre today.


Des was “a man of great courage”

“Des lived his life by the Christian principles of the gospel. He particularly believed in the life of the unborn,” said Thurles curate Fr Tomás O’Connell.


Tributes paid to Des Hanafin

Former senator who was co-founder of Pro Life Campaign acted “out of a deep personal conviction and went to great lengths to make his point without causing offence to others” – Cora Sherlock, PLC.


UN Human Rights Committee once again targets Ireland’s abortion law

The United Nations Human Rights Committee “is behaving like the international wing of the Irish abortion lobby,” warns PLC spokesperson Cora Sherlock.


Positive news for Pro Life Campaign in weekend poll

Only 23 per cent of those surveyed were in favour of abortion ‘on request’, which contrasts starkly with the views of the Citizens’ Assembly.


Pro life agencies question BMJ abortion report

“It is ludicrous to treat research funded by the abortion industry as unbiased. It is like expecting honesty from Big Tobacco on the effects of smoking” – Life Institute.


Citizens’ Assembly draws its conclusions

Members of six month long consultation will vote on recommendations this weekend concerning the Eighth Amendment, protecting right to life of the unborn.


No right to abortion in international law: PLC

Pro Life Campaign criticises Council of Europe report which calls for legalisation of abortion.


UN criticises Ireland’s ‘pro-life’ laws again

“The purpose of the CEDAW committee is to highlight and seek to eliminate discrimination. Abortion, however, is the ultimate discrimination as it targets the most vulnerable in society, namely unborn babies” – Pro Life Campaign.


“Show positives of Eighth Amendment before UN Committee”: PLC

“Abortion is, by its very nature, discriminatory as it allows some human beings to be given lesser protection under the law. The practice of sex-selection abortions has also led to widespread discrimination against baby girls.”


Pro Life Campaign increasingly unhappy with Citizens’ Assembly

Pro Life Campaign says there is “lack of balance” in Assembly’s proceedings, and Assembly is completely ignoring the positive impact of the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution.


Pro Life Campaign ready to address Citizens’ Assembly if asked

Record attendance at Pro Life Campaign national conference hears from Irish-born film producer about Gosnell movie, which lifts the lid on what actually happens during an abortion.


Citizens’ assembly meeting on abortion on 15 October

Government should admit the "sole purpose of the citizens’ assembly on abortion is to clear the way for a referendum that would strip the unborn child of his/her right to life," warns PLC.


‘Disgraceful that a state funded agency campaigning for abortion’

National Women's Council of Ireland ought to acknowledge and reflect upon report on lives saved by the Eighth Amendment says PLC.


100,000 lives saved by 8th Amendment: PLC

“The truth is repeal of the 8th Amendment would inevitably result in more lives being lost. That’s the tragic reality of legalised abortion."


BPAS offers helpline to Irish women using illegal abortion tablets

"Research has shown, time and time again, that abortion drugs endanger women’s lives," warns Precious Life.


Some abortion procedures suspended at Marie Stopes clinics

“Women have been kept in the dark for far too long about poor standards of care at Marie Stopes clinics" - PLC.


Attempt to remove legal protection from ‘very sick babies’ disturbing: PLC

Whip will not be applied to non Fine Gael deputies in upcoming vote on amendment to the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, allowing abortion in the case of so-called 'fatal foetal abnormalities'.


Dáil to consider proposals for Citizens’ Assembly

Citizens' Assembly on abortion is a pretence says Senator Ronan Mullen. "Oireachtas Éireann should be the only legitimate Citizens' Assembly."


Huge rally endorses value of Eighth Amendment

"Women are being betrayed every day by the abortion lobby when they say there are no consequences to abortion and their babies are a 'clump of cells'”- Limerick student who faced crisis pregnancy.


RTE must ‘rein in’ Ray D’Arcy warns PLC

Broadcasting Authority of Ireland upholds another complaint of media bias by The Ray D’Arcy Show in its treatment of the issue of abortion.


Drop in number of Irish women in UK for abortions

In 2015, 3,451 women travelled from Ireland to England and Wales for an abortion, down from 2001 when the number of Irish abortions was at 6,673.


PLC hits back at criticism of Ireland’s abortion law

Over a ten year period from 2000, 491 babies who survived botched abortions in Canada were abandoned by medical staff and left to die alone.


PLC angered by Citizens’ Assembly on abortion proposal

Citizens’ Assembly proposal has always been about paving the way for removing the only remaining legal protection for the unborn child.


Abortion shouldn’t be in programme for govt: PLC

Fine Gael proposal to hold citizen's assembly on abortion would be the "first step on a pre-arranged course again".


NWCI focus should be homeless pregnant women

“It is an outrage that National Women’s Council has no track record in fighting for safe and secure accommodation for homeless expectant mothers”- PLC.


Election 2016 results positive from pro life stance

Findings of Amnesty International/Red C poll on abortion "are more ambivalent and uncertain" than presented: PLC.


Consider what a vote for Labour means: PLC

Cross denominational group says it wants to see "stability in our country and a return to the Judeo/Christian values that have underpinned all of Europe in the past."


‘There is no moral justification for a lack of housing’

Many vulnerable sectors of Irish society have been let down, Bishop Buckley warns & urges voters to quiz election candidates on 8th Amendment.


Voters urged to quiz candidates on child poverty

“It is important for every candidate seeking our vote in the coming weeks to understand the appalling extent of child poverty rates in Ireland" - Barnardos.

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