Dermot Mansfield SJ explores some of the ways our heart can be really awakened so that we can enter into it in prayer: using traditional prayers I grew up with, quietening myself down so I can hear the deeper voice, spontaneously responding to situations that arise in my life, the [...]
Giving out about the state of things in the world is not a Christian occupation, says psychotherapist Paul Andrews SJ. But blessing is. We have the power to bless and approve, and it carries more weight than we imagine
Rosemarie and Peter Atkin’s short book ‘Prayer-Bytes’ offers much needed time-out for young people, with prayers and reflections that are simple in style and relevant to the concerns faced by today’s youth.
We pray out of need, says Dermot Mansfield SJ; for our own needs, for those we know, for situations we know that need healing. TS Eliot said the world is like a huge hospital. We are needy people, requiring God’s blessing and healing always.
Apart from the prayers for the different times of the year, this book prepared by the brothers of Taizé community also gives practical instructions on how the elements, such as prayer around the cross, the icons and the meditative chants, contribute to our personal intimacy with God.
Dermot Mansfield SJ advocates “listening to the voice of God” twice every day so that we can really be in touch with his presence within and around me. The five stages of an “examen” of our consciousness can help to ensure this.
If God wants to speak to us – to you or me – how do you think He goes about it? From his experience John Callanan SJ gives an insight as to how this works.
In this book, Brother John of Taizé explores the biblical background of the “Our Father” and shows how it can still be a prayer to express our spiritual desires today.
Dermot Mansfield SJ takes this phrase from the “Breastplate of St Patrick” to highlight a way of getting very close to Jesus and God’s everlasting love.
We often wonder how we ought to pray. Paul Andrews SJ points to some not too difficult ways we could start.
Pat Collins CM looks at what major psychologists have had to say about the contribution of prayerful religious experience to people’s health and well-being.
I learned from a young Chinese woman Jing Ying, writes Desmond O’Donnell OMI, that prayer is more about receiving than giving. I learned that prayer is privilege, not obligation.
This little booklet by Fr Tom Ryan offers support to people who suffer from problems with alcohol, drugs, gambling, over-spending, over-eating, over-working. Through a mixture of scripture passages,, reflections and prayers it encourages and gives spiritual in times of suffering and stress.
Anne Power recounts her experience of deepening in prayer and meditation and discovering that this was bringing her back, after many years away, to the Catholic Church of her youth.
Andrew Nugent OSB explores the Rule of St Benedict for what it might teach us about personal prayer.
Fr Peter Sexton writes about Taizé, that in itself is a ‘parable of community’ and brings reconciliation between divided Christians and separated peoples. He explains how it brought healing to one of his students.
From the Veritas ‘Into the Classroom’ series: Christopher O’Donnell OCarm examines the role of ritual, prayer and contemplation in different faith traditions, paying special attention to the Christian tradition.
This month (June 2008) the Pope asks us to pray ‘that Christians cultivate a personal friendship with Christ that they may convey his great love to those they encounter. Brendan Comerford SJ explains how we can do this.
Blessings are an important part of our faith, writes Sascha T. Moore; it’s time we made them an important part of our lives.
Dympna M. McMahon tells us how a casual encounter with a man on the bus changed her outlook.
Donal O’Leary stresses the importance of giving time each day to creating “soul space” in our lives.
In this article on the parables Seán Goan focuses on stories about Christian living and prayer. As we have come to expect from Jesus the teacher the parables on these topics are not lengthy sermons but short stories that paint vivid pictures.
Fr Christian de Chergé, Superior of his monastery and one of the seven French Trappists killed by Algerian terrorists in 1996, wrote a last testament to be opened in the event of his death. This is it.
If it should happen one day – and it [...]
Wilfrid Harrington OP examines the role of lamentation and repentance in the prayer of the people of Israel and how it can contribute to our understanding of a God of compassion and love.
Sean O’Rourke tells his experience of sharing prayer with his own young children.
Although he acknowledges the risk of commercialisation, Father Paul Andrews SJ is sure there is a real place for images, symbols and popular devotions in all true spirituality.
Gerald writes: Dear Father, ‘To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.’ This passage in the Hail Holy Queen strikes me as depressing. It is little calculated to lift anyone’s spirits. Fr Bernard J McGuckian SJ replies.
The ancient practice of Lectio Divina gives you a leg up on prayer and spiritual development, writes Lawrence S. Cunningham.
Mary Kearney tells how she experienced God in the difficulties she had in her marriage.