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Alpha’s ‘Big Ask’ to be launched next week

The 24/7 Prayer Ireland initiative will pray for key areas of influence in society.


Scandal kills faith Pope Francis warns

When there is no Christian coherency, and you live incoherently, you are guilty of giving scandal Pontiff warns.


Achonry launches Year of Prayer with renowned writer

Diocese to listen to people and share what they have to say about the situation of the Church.


Pat Kenny learns about Redemptoristine way of life

Enclosed nuns see internet as a gift from God.


30,000 young Europeans to attend Taizé gathering

Young people to provide sign of 'visible communion' in Strasbourg.


Increasing numbers turning to centering prayer groups

‘Centering Prayer’ satisfies thirst for God and aids recovery from addiction.


Special day of prayer for Syria at Belfast cathedral

Church of Ireland invites all to pray for peace in conflict-wracked Syria.


Jesuit challenges some of the myths around prayer

New book explores why do we pray and what does praying do for us, for God and for the world?


“War, never again” pleads Pope Francis

Pontiff condemns the use of chemical weapons in Syria.


Over 300 young people take part in Dublin prayer vigil

Follow up event to WYD2013 and Rio in Dublin planned for September.


Dialogue offers alternative to selfish indifference and violent protest – Pope

Pontiff says building a more just society is not some vague utopian ideal but the fruit of a concerted effort.


Two Irish WYD pilgrims selected for role in prayer vigil with Pope

One million young people to take part in vigil tonight.


The Nearness of God – Breige O’Hare

Breige O'Hare explains how her book is intended to help the reader deepen their relationship with God.


Sacred Space – the website and book

Brian Grogan SJ explains the inspiration behind the widely popular on-line prayer resource and how it has also turned into a publishing success.


Br Alois Prior of Taize at IEC2012

The theme for Monday at IEC2012 was Communion in One Baptism – Br Alois (Prior of Taize) summarises his message that he delivered in the main arena.


Celtic prayers & reflections – Jenny Child

In this book, Jenny Child offers an insightful collection of prayers, inspired by her visits to the holy isle of Lindisfarne.


Prayer – Michael Mayne

This is a beautiful booklet of refreshing reflections on our life with the God we seek but who is there for us even before we seek him.


In the Secret of My Heart: Moments of stillness …

Through the lens of scripture the author, Anna Burke RSM, shows Jesus as the way to experience God and as the source of the meaning of life.


God’s Passion: Praying with Mark

This book is one of the series Praying with the Gospels that follows the lectionary cycle.The author Terry Hinks is a minister in the United Reform Church serving in Hampshire.


Praying at Easter

127pp. The Columba Press. To purchase this book online, go to www.columba.ie

THE BOOK:This very handy little book takes the gospel readings of the Season of Easter and with a prayer and reflection links the reader with the risen [...]


Prayers in English

“Pray like this”The first prayer of all for Christians is the one that Jesus taught us. The ‘Our Father is taken from Chapter 6 of Matthew’s Gospel. The ‘Sign of the Cross’ and the ‘Glory be’ are early Christian affirmations of the Trinity, God three in one. [...]


Taizé – a parable for today

Fr Peter Sexton writes about Taizé, that in itself is a ‘parable of community’ and brings reconciliation between divided Christians and separated peoples. He explains how it brought healing to one of his students.


Worship, prayer and ritual

From the Veritas ‘Into the Classroom’ series: Christopher O’Donnell OCarm examines the role of ritual, prayer and contemplation in different faith traditions, paying special attention to the Christian tradition.


Just do it

This month (June 2008) the Pope asks us to pray ‘that Christians cultivate a personal friendship with Christ that they may convey his great love to those they encounter. Brendan Comerford SJ explains how we can do this.


The forgotten art of blessing

Blessings are an important part of our faith, writes Sascha T. Moore; it’s time we made them an important part of our lives.


A prayer comeback

Dympna M. McMahon tells us how a casual encounter with a man on the bus changed her outlook.


Creating Soul-Space

Donal O’Leary stresses the importance of giving time each day to creating “soul space” in our lives.


Figuring out the Parables

In this article on the parables Seán Goan focuses on stories about Christian living and prayer. As we have come to expect from Jesus the teacher the parables on these topics are not lengthy sermons but short stories that paint vivid pictures.


Last testament of a murdered monk

Fr Christian de Chergé, Superior of his monastery and one of the seven French Trappists killed by Algerian terrorists in 1996, wrote a last testament to be opened in the event of his death. This is it.

If it should happen one day – and it [...]


Prayer of repentance

Wilfrid Harrington OP examines the role of lamentation and repentance in the prayer of the people of Israel and how it can contribute to our understanding of a God of compassion and love.

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