The 24/7 Prayer Ireland initiative will pray for key areas of influence in society.
When there is no Christian coherency, and you live incoherently, you are guilty of giving scandal Pontiff warns.
Diocese to listen to people and share what they have to say about the situation of the Church.
Enclosed nuns see internet as a gift from God.
Young people to provide sign of 'visible communion' in Strasbourg.
‘Centering Prayer’ satisfies thirst for God and aids recovery from addiction.
Church of Ireland invites all to pray for peace in conflict-wracked Syria.
New book explores why do we pray and what does praying do for us, for God and for the world?
Pontiff condemns the use of chemical weapons in Syria.
Follow up event to WYD2013 and Rio in Dublin planned for September.
Pontiff says building a more just society is not some vague utopian ideal but the fruit of a concerted effort.
One million young people to take part in vigil tonight.
Breige O'Hare explains how her book is intended to help the reader deepen their relationship with God.
Brian Grogan SJ explains the inspiration behind the widely popular on-line prayer resource and how it has also turned into a publishing success.
The theme for Monday at IEC2012 was Communion in One Baptism – Br Alois (Prior of Taize) summarises his message that he delivered in the main arena.
In this book, Jenny Child offers an insightful collection of prayers, inspired by her visits to the holy isle of Lindisfarne.
This is a beautiful booklet of refreshing reflections on our life with the God we seek but who is there for us even before we seek him.
Through the lens of scripture the author, Anna Burke RSM, shows Jesus as the way to experience God and as the source of the meaning of life.
This book is one of the series Praying with the Gospels that follows the lectionary cycle.The author Terry Hinks is a minister in the United Reform Church serving in Hampshire.
127pp. The Columba Press. To purchase this book online, go to
THE BOOK:This very handy little book takes the gospel readings of the Season of Easter and with a prayer and reflection links the reader with the risen [...]
“Pray like this”The first prayer of all for Christians is the one that Jesus taught us. The ‘Our Father is taken from Chapter 6 of Matthew’s Gospel. The ‘Sign of the Cross’ and the ‘Glory be’ are early Christian affirmations of the Trinity, God three in one. [...]
‘Enter into your heart and you will pray.’ This is the formula Dermot Mansfield SJ gives us to tune into our own hearts where, he says, the Holy Spirit is already praying ‘with sighs too deep for words’.
“Come and have breakfast” are homely words that engage us easily. Brendan Clifford OP uses them to set the scene for this “lectio divina”.
There are probably as many different ways of praying as there are people. Dermot Mansfield SJ adopts the wise Benedictine saying “Pray as you can, not as you can’t” and goes on to suggest a few ways people may find helpful.
Brian writes: Sometimes in my prayers I feel as if I have nothing to say to God. I sit in stony silence for a while, before giving up, or get distracted by what’s going on around me. It’s not that I’m not grateful or sorrowful, but sometimes I run out [...]
In this step-by-step exercise book Anthony de Mello SJ uses gentle physical exercises, scriptural contemplation and humorous symbolic stories to teach us how we can experience true happiness.
Dermot Mansfield SJ explores some of the ways our heart can be really awakened so that we can enter into it in prayer: using traditional prayers I grew up with, quietening myself down so I can hear the deeper voice, spontaneously responding to situations that arise in my life, the [...]
Giving out about the state of things in the world is not a Christian occupation, says psychotherapist Paul Andrews SJ. But blessing is. We have the power to bless and approve, and it carries more weight than we imagine
Rosemarie and Peter Atkin’s short book ‘Prayer-Bytes’ offers much needed time-out for young people, with prayers and reflections that are simple in style and relevant to the concerns faced by today’s youth.
We pray out of need, says Dermot Mansfield SJ; for our own needs, for those we know, for situations we know that need healing. TS Eliot said the world is like a huge hospital. We are needy people, requiring God’s blessing and healing always.