SJI criticises Government as CSO figures show 756,591 people in poverty in Ireland.
Hopes for agreed mandate between police forces on cross-border collaboration.
New study reveals disturbing levels of poverty and deprivation in seven EU countries.
Today is World TB day.
Francis urges Religious Institutes to be transparent in administering their assets.
CSAN lauds Archbishop Nichols as "a consistently powerful advocate of social justice.”
Charity continues to pick up the pieces of peoples’ lives following austerity and cuts.
Troika’s selective use of data led to inaccurate analysis which led to inappropriate policy decisions.
“Christmas spontaneously releases generosity."
Pontiff warns of “tragic phenomenon” of human trafficking, in which the “unscrupulous prey on the lives and the desperation of others.”
The battle against poverty is one we can win if we do it as a united community: Peter Robinson.
“We not only want to ensure that no child is left disappointed, but that no family is left struggling because of the cost of Christmas.”
Bishops concelebrate Mass for 'the Lady of the Lantern'.
Faith communities bring a deep understanding of social needs - Bishop Treanor.
Those affected include people in low-paid employment and the self-employed.
“The shelves of the food bank are empty, the food is not there” - Archbishop Martin.
VMM's contribution to international development highlighted.
Young people and older people targeted by Budget 2014.
Bishops and Catholic groups appeal for an end to devastating austerity policies.
Increased energy costs over past three years has negated value of allowance.
‘Care for Life: It’s Worth It’ focuses on care for unborn and mothers, the elderly and the suicidal.
New video shows the majority of people want the Government to deliver on its aid promises.
“Successive Governments have betrayed families," Barnardos’ CEO, Fergus Finlay.
Those advocating more austerity are the well off who lack concern for the less well off.
Communities being forced off their land to make way for biofuels.
UK “cannot afford poverty” leading Catholic charities warn.
An Post's One4all gift vouchers offered in lieu of cash.
Pontiff denounces "dealers of death" who profit from drug-addicted
Benefit cuts could result in lower educational completion rates for children from lower income families
Seventy-seven percent support investment "even in an economic down-turn."