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Prayer is our first response to vocations crisis, Pope tells Die Zeit

One of the things I pray for every day is a sense of humour! – Pope Francis.


An ecumenical first as Pope visits Anglican church in Rome

Francis used the occasion to speak of a possible joint pastoral visit with the Archbishop of Canterbury to South Sudan.


Avoid the ‘double life’, says Pope Francis

How many times have we heard people say: “If that person is a Catholic, it would be better to be an atheist”?


A footnote in history – has Pope Francis gone too far?

The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak – Pope Francis.


‘Early doors’ in Ireland as Jubilee Year of Mercy ends

Irish dioceses embraced the Holy Father’s Year of Mercy.


Seven new saints for the Church

Three of the new saints are from the Spanish speaking world, while two are French and two are Italian. Two of the new saints are martyrs.


Great schism behind massive Georgian no show

Pope Francis faced a near empty stadium for a Papal Mass in Georgia after the Orthodox Church asked its adherents to stay away.


Tumour story linked to conspiracy against the Pope

The website which had shown retouched photos of a purported meeting between Japanese doctor and Pope Francis has removed the images.


Portlaoise willing to take several refugee families

A committee has been set up in the Co Laois town to locate and prepare housing for refugee families.


Global Rosary Relay for Priests to set new record

Starting with a shrine in Siberia, 84 Marian shrines all the over the world will host thousands of people reciting relays of the rosary over a 24-hour period.


World Communications Day focuses on family

“Today the Church must learn again how to show that the family is a great gift, something good and beautiful."


John Paul II and John XXIII to be canonised in April 2014

Pope Emeritus Benedict may join Pope Francis at double canonisation ceremony.


Theologian provides fresh insights into 6th century saint

Conference launches preparations to mark 1,400th anniversary of St Columban's death.


Three million attend WYD Mass at Copacabana Beach

Pope Francis announces Krakow as venue for World Youth Day in 2016.


Legalising drug use will not help addicts Pope warns

Pontiff denounces "dealers of death" who profit from drug-addicted


Pope calls for end to ‘culture of rejection’ towards young unemployed

Work and earning a living brings personal dignity Pontiff highlights.


Young Irish pilgrims arrive in Rio today for WYD

273 liturgical events planned as part of the largest faith festival in the world.


Bishop McKeown selected as bishop catechist for WYD

Over 250 bishops will provide catechetical sessions for WYD pilgrims.


@pontifex followers offered indulgence for WYD2013

Pontiff issues decree on indulgences and social media.


“Care for Life – it’s worth it” urges Pope Francis

Pontiff sends message of support for human life to Catholics in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales.


Ombudsman denounces treatment of asylum seekers

Call for urgent reform of current asylum system in Ireland


Nuncio sheds light on Pope Francis’ new encyclical

Hundreds discuss ‘What really matters?’ at Focolare Mariapolis in Dungarvan


Pope signs John XXIII & John Paul II canonisation decrees

Journalists in the Holy See Press Office busy getting to grips with Pope Francis’ first encyclical the Light of Faith, were somewhat surprised Friday lunchtime when Director Fr Federico Lombardi S.J. called them back for a second announcement: Pope Francis had approved the cause for canonization of two of his [...]


Pope Francis’ first encyclical: The Light of Faith

Pope Francis’ first encyclical entitled “Lumen fidei” or “The Light of Faith” was released Friday at a press conference in the Vatican. The document completes the trilogy of papal teachings on the three theological virtues, begun by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who issued his encyclicals “Deus Caritas Est” on Charity [...]


Pope Francis: the courage of children of God

We are sons of God thanks to Jesus: no one can take away this “identity card.” That was Pope Francis’ message during Mass on Thursday at the Casa Santa Marta.

The Pope’s homily centred on the Gospel of the healing of a paralytic. In the beginning of the day’s Gospel, Jesus [...]


Vatican finances presented to Economic Council of Cardinals

On Tuesday Wednesday (July 2 and 3rd), the meeting of the Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organisational and Economic Problems of the Holy See took place in Vatican City, presided over by Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone . Particularly noteworthy was the visit on Wednesday 3 by [...]


Six thousand young people bear witness to their vocation

This morning (1st July) in the Holy See Press Office a presentation was given for the “Great Event of the Year of Faith, a Day for seminarians, novices, and all those who have taken the path of vocation”. The participants were Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president [...]


Pope Francis: We encounter the Living God through His wounds

To meet the living God we must tenderly kiss the wounds of Jesus in our hungry, poor, sick, imprisoned brothers and sisters. Study, meditation and mortification are not enough to bring us to encounter the living Christ. Like St. Thomas, our life will only be changed when we touch Christ’s [...]


Pope Francis: Courage in spite of our weaknesses

Christians are called to be courageous in their weakness. We must recognize that we are weak and that, at times, we have to flee from sin without nostalgia, without looking back. We must not let temptation or fear keep us from God. Instead we must learn that ‘he who fights [...]


Vatican Bank – Director and deputy resign

President Ernst von Freyberg to assume General Director duties ad interim – IOR-Directorate offers resignations – Promontory seconding top level executives to fill the roles of Deputy Director and Chief Risk Officer

Vatican/Holy See 1. July 2013 – IOR-Director Comm. Paolo Cipriani and Deputy Director Dott. Massimo Tulli have offered their [...]

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