May 2022: For Faith-Filled Young People
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
DECEMBER: Catechists
NOVEMBER: People who suffer from depression
OCTOBER: Missionary Disciples
SEPTEMBER: An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle
AUGUST: Church on the Way
JULY: Social Friendship
JUNE : The beauty of marriage
MAY: The world of finance
APRIL: Fundamental rights
MARCH: The sacrament of reconciliation
FEBRUARY: For women who are victims of violence
DECEMBER: For a life of prayer
NOVEMBER: Artificial Intelligence
“My brother and I were both altar boys, we both served Mass. It was soon clear to us, first to me and then to him, that our life would be at the service of the Church” – Msgr Georg Ratzinger
JUNE : Compassion for the world
May: Deacons
April: Liberation from addictions
I am very encouraged that global use of the death penalty has decreased for another year. However, hundreds of people are still being executed by their governments and in some countries, the number has increased dramatically – Bishop Declan Lang.
"Just like those disciples, we too have realised that we cannot go on thinking of ourselves, but only together can we do this," said Pope Francis.
Catholics in China
“Live this difficult moment with the strength of the faith, the certainty of hope and the ardour of charity,” said the pope in a message to all those affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
Hear the cries of migrants
“Love makes us patient,” says Pope. “So many times we lose patience, even me, and I apologise for yesterday’s bad example.”
Promotion of World Peace