Seminar marking World Communications Day highlights new continent of the digital world as opportunity for mission.
“It is imperative that we continue to work together to promote marriage and family.”
Vatican spokesman, Alessandro Gisotti, has warned that official pilgrimages should not be “interpreted as an authentication of well-known events, which still require examination by the Church”.
"I am very keen to encourage and nurture vocations to the priesthood from among our own young people, many of whom have strong faith and great gifts to offer our Church. How might this be done?” asks Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Pope Francis admits it is not always easy to discern our vocation and to steer our life in the right direction and, for this reason, he calls on Church personnel to provide young people with opportunities for listening and discernment.
The Church in Africa, a Seed of Unity
“Rest in peace Jean Vanier and thank you for your inspiring, compassionate presence among us” – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Kilmore priest warns that the Church must never hanker for the certainties of the past but work towards creating a new expression of what it means to be Church in this time and this place.
Pontiff joins parish of Newbridge and diocese – 1500 years after St Conleth died on 4 May 519 – in "giving thanks to Almighty God for the example of this saintly bishop and abbot”.
“In achieving this target, we must all play our part, and I’m proud that the Catholic community has taken a leading role in showing what can be achieved.”
The Pontiff's accusers say that the words and actions of Pope Francis amount to a comprehensive rejection of Catholic teaching on marriage and sexual activity, on the moral law, and on grace and the forgiveness of sins.
“Seek to be remembered because you saved lives – even one life – by your empathy, your words, your actions," Archbishop Eamon Martin said at the Trinity Monday Service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration at TCD chapel.
“Let us draw close to Jesus and touch his wounds in our brothers.”
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin talks about the workings of the Irish Episcopal conference, Irish seminaries and the need to amalgamate some of the country’s 26 dioceses.
Tánaiste expresses shock at the “appalling attacks on innocent civilians in Sri Lanka” as death toll rises to 290 dead with over 500 injured.
“I entrust to the Lord all those who have tragically perished, and I pray for the injured and all those who suffer as a result of this tragic event.”
“So often we associate our faith as being the Church is against this, that or the other. Easter is about what we are for, what we are promoting – joy and new life.”
"Violence is always a blind alley that only leads to further violence."
Fr Jean-Marc Fournier, chaplain to Paris Fire Brigade, was praised for his bravery in saving the Blessed Sacrament and the Crown of Thorns from the burning cathedral on Monday night.
"I am asking you as a brother to stay in peace. I am asking you with my heart, let us go forward."
Catholic commentators dismayed by claims that the crisis stems from the sexual revolution, the disappearance of God from public discourse and liberal theological ideas that eroded morality after Vatican II.
Brother Kevin said that there had been very generous donations from the public over the last year and the Pope’s visit had been a huge boost.
Doctors and their Collaborators in War-Torn Areas
Fr Fintan Gavin is the current Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Dublin and a highly regarded canon lawyer with extensive pastoral experience.
“The early publication of the document is a welcome sign that Pope Francis recognises the urgency of a renewed emphasis on creating new young disciples of Jesus” – Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry.
Pope Francis and King Mohammed VI of Morocco called for the special character of Jerusalem to be recognised, and for “full freedom of access to the faithful and the right of each to exercise their own worship”.
New legislation for Vatican State brings in mandatory reporting of abuse charges for minors and vulnerable adults, backed up with fines and / or imprisonment for not reporting.
“The terrible suffering of our brothers and sisters in southern Africa as a result of Cyclone Idai cries out for a generous response on our part.”
Entitled “Christus vivit – Christ lives”, the Apostolic Exhortation is divided into three sections which mirror the three phases of the Synod process.
"The aridity of the planet is extending to new regions, and more and more are suffering as a result of the lack of water."