Church needs a media “that is not afraid to expose mistakes and failures."
“Without the Church I would never have been able to meet Jesus,” Pontiff states.
International Eucharistic Congress cost a total of €9.5m and made a surplus of €38,057.
“Cry out forcefully: violence and war are never the way to peace!” Pontiff urges.
Violence never begets peace Pontiff says as he invites everyone to pray and fast for Syria.
Seven planes will leave Dublin airport on Saturday for French shrine.
Survey indicates rise in the number of confessions since the election of Pope Francis.
Primate concerned by under-valuing of the stability and commitment within marriage.
Pontiff condemns the use of chemical weapons in Syria.
Archbishop Pietro Parolin replaces Cardinal Bertone whose tenure was beset by scandals.
"It was like being touched by the hand of God" mother of six enthuses.
Church leaders oppose intervention as British Govt motion on military action defeated.
8.4m people in urgent need of humanitarian aid according to Trócaire.
Parents of 100-year-old prelate emigrated from Ireland to Buenos Aires.
"The trade in human persons constitutes a shocking offence against human dignity and a grave violation of fundamental human rights”.
Nineteen-year-old and Pope Francis 'joked' during conversation.
Dublin Archdiocese say claims are “totally without foundation.”
The "charisma" of Pope Francis affirms his decision to resign the papacy.
Coptic Church criticises western media's coverage of violence which has left 600 dead.
Motu proprio increases powers over IOR and its financial activities.
Pontiff concerned by lack of fervour, joy, courage and hope in proclaiming message of Christ.
Large turnout of young people at Sunday Angelus prompts Pontiff to discuss meaning of World Youth Day.
“His literary work is completed” says Mgr Georg Ratzinger.
Follow up event to WYD2013 and Rio in Dublin planned for September.
Catholic Grandparents Association launches new branch in the Philippines.
Pontiff says building a more just society is not some vague utopian ideal but the fruit of a concerted effort.
One million young people to take part in vigil tonight.