Miracle opens way for beatification process to go ahead.
Coadjutor bishop of Armagh encourages prayers for vocations.
"Potential vocations are all around us."
The number of drug-related deaths in Ireland increased from 597 in 2010 to 607 in 2011.
“To choose a life as a priest or religious in contemporary Ireland is a radical option, although a hugely fulfilling one.” – Bishop McKeown.
Ban Ki-moon and Pope Francis to discuss fight against poverty and inequality.
Ethical shopping promoted by YCW since Bangladeshi factory collapse last year.
Ten Christian places of worship targeted in crackdown in Zhejiang province.
Pope to address the commission once all members have been appointed.
Laments that “In some countries you can still go to jail for possessing a Gospel.”
Papal Nuncio welcomes invitation extended by Enda Kenny to Pope.
St John XXIII defined as “the Pope of openness to the Holy Spirit” and St John Paul II as “the Pope of the Family."
Information about special events happening across Ireland on Sunday.
Vatican says no change in Church teaching should be inferred from Pope's alleged comments.
Pontiff asks for prayers for an end to injustice towards the hungry and the vulnerable.
To return to Galilee means to re-read everything on the basis of the cross and its victory.
God's intervention is at the point where human hope is shattered.
Collaboration with researchers of every culture and religion contributes to dialogue between Church and modern world.
Over 100,000 pilgrims attend Mass in St Peter’s Square and ponder the question 'Who am I?'
Italian nun who knew Fr Frans van der Lugt tells CatholicIreland.net he was man of dialogue.
We will not take one step backwards in dealing with this problem Pope assures.
Human trafficking is “an open wound on the body of contemporary society”.
Vatican announces location for Holy Thursday ceremony.
Edition includes a prayer by Blessed John Henry Newman and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
1994 genocide recalled as Rwandan bishops meet Pontiff in Rome.
Orb inscribed: “Pope Francis to His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge."
"What we are seeing is a major repositioning of the Church internally and in its relationship to the world.”
Unanimous vote by Belfast City Hall to invite Pope Francis on an official visit.
Cardinal O’Malley among bishops who celebrated Mass at Mexican border on Tuesday.
"People need to see confession as something that can make their lives whole again."