Bishop Of Derry urges the faithful to build community despite their differences because “A fragmenting world will not see Jesus in a fractious church."
She was an “educational pioneer” who founded schools for the industrialised poor and refuges for factory girls as she “dedicated her life to the service of the most abandoned”, said Bishop Davies.
"[Misuse of devotion] is not religion! It’s superstition," – Fr Stefano Cecchin, President of the Pontifical International Marian Academy.
The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has listed on its website some resources for use in dioceses, parishes and in the home during the Season of Creation 2020.
“Let us go to Jesus, knock on Jesus’ heart, and say to Him, ‘Lord, if You will it, You can heal me.’” – Pope Francis.
"It is essential to find a cure for this terrible virus, which has brought the world to its knees. We must also cure the larger virus of social injustice, inequality of opportunity, marginalisation, and lack of protection for the weakest."
“The answer is not to deprive the migrant of housing; the answer is to solve your housing problem.”
“The shed blood on the streets of our cities, the beating of people who have taken part in peaceful demonstrations is a grave sin on the conscience of those who give criminal orders and commit violence,” said Archbishop Kondrusiewicz.
“This donation is intended as a sign of His Holiness’s attention and closeness to the affected population and of his fatherly closeness to people in serious difficulty,” – Vatican press release.
"The bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki seventy-five years ago are still seen by many as among the worst examples of what we humans can do to each other," – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
The Pope stated that the cost of nuclear weapons should be measured not only in the lives destroyed through their use, but also the suffering of the poorest and most vulnerable people, who could have benefited were such vast sums of public money invested in the common good of society instead.
"Make no mistake about it – there are people alive today who would not be alive had it not been for John’s vision and his work” - Fr Paul Farren at the Funeral Mass of the former leader of the SDLP.
“Today our celebration is a gesture of recognising publicly the place of the Muslim community as an integral part of the family of the Irish."
The Vatican's Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life has also invited young people “to do something that shows kindness and affection for older people who may feel lonely.”
“The West makes big statements, but doesn't ensure mutual rights - I fear it will also quickly forget about Hagia Sophia” - Bishop Paolo Bizetti, apostolic vicar of Anatolia.
“Many people living in Ireland who are members of the Muslim faith call Ireland ‘home’. Croke Park as a venue for Eid Al Adha celebration will be symbolic to Irish Muslims in their ‘dual-identity’ as being both Irish and Muslim,” said Shaykh Dr Umar Al-Qadri.
Before the repeal of the Eighth Amendment there had been assurances that abortion would be a rare occurrence and only when necessary.
“To insist on debt repayment in the face of the suffering caused by this pandemic would be an affront to the faith traditions that we represent. There is an overarching moral case for debt relief in many faiths,” state the bishops and religious leaders in the UK.
The UN Security Council adopted a resolution last Thursday demanding a general and immediate cessation of hostilities in all situations in order to provide aid to countries to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic.
In a statement on Monday, the bishop-elect said, “The Church of the future is about the increased involvement of lay people; of people and priests working together.”
The bishop noted that Pope Francis has asked people to pray for political leaders as they seek the common good, and to be courageous in caring for people on the margins, those whose life needs special protection, and all who are vulnerable.
“Mother of mercy”; “Mother of hope”; and “Solace of migrants” are the new invocations which were announced by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, in Rome on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on 20 June.
It is a source of joy for me to know that we now have a rescheduled date of Sunday 30 August for my Episcopal Ordination as Bishop of Achonry – Fr Paul Dempsey, PP of Newbridge and Bishop-elect of the Diocese of Achonry.
“Time devoted to prayer can never become an alibi for neglecting our neighbour in need,” says Pope Francis.
JUNE : Compassion for the world
“We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life,” said Pope Francis.
“We will perhaps look back on these years, remembering not just COVID-19 but also a pandemic of banality that expects little for and from human beings.”
"Our Lady’s appearance at Knock gave people a sense of hope. Ireland needs to hear that message again at a time when so many are under pressure, depressed, and fearful” - Campbell Miller, director of 'Hope'.
In his Pentecost message for the 'Thy Kingdom Come' movement, the Pontiff expressed the desire that Christians would be more deeply united as “witnesses of mercy” for the human family in a world experiencing a “famine of hope.”
“Father McGivney has inspired generations of Catholic men to roll up their sleeves and put their faith into action,” Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson said.