Pontiff answers letters from 12-year-old Clara O’Gormain from Galway and children from around the world in a book illustrated by the children themselves.
7,000 businessmen and women from Italy’s largest manufacturing association reflect with Pontiff on the ethics of doing business.
“How beautiful; tell your parishioners to pray for me," Pope responds to image of 'Our Lady Undoer of Knots' from the shrine of Corpus Christi Church in Limerick.
“The commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’ has absolute value, and concerns both the innocent and the guilty,” Pope Francis said on Sunday.
Former footballer to give personal testimony about his faith journey following the tragic death of his wife, Michaela.
Epic story of the Resurrection told through the eyes of an unbelieving Roman solider, Calvius, played by British star, Joseph Fiennes.
Pontiff warns that abortion is an absolute evil but avoiding pregnancy isn't in particularly difficult circumstances such as Paul VI's authorisation to nuns threatened with rape.
Double-decker ‘Mercy Bus’, which seeks to bring people back to confession, is an initiative of Fr Frankie Mulgrew, son of comedian Jimmy Cricket.
President of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors reiterates bishops must report all suspected cases of sexual abuse to civil authorities.
Mexicans urged to turn their country into a land of opportunity where people are no longer destroyed at the hands of the merchants of death.
Joint declaration pleads on behalf of world's persecuted Christians especially in the Middle East where families, villages and cities are being exterminated.
Pope Francis commissioned hundreds of ‘Missionaries of Mercy’ during Mass at St Peter’s Basilica, including Irish Jesuit, Fr Tony O’Riordan.
Dublin conference today marking World Day of the Sick is 'thank you' to Lourdes volunteers for their support and help throughout the year.
Fr Tony O’Riordan invited to Rome to receive the special mandate in person from Pope Francis during an Ash Wednesday ceremony in St Peter's Basilica.
“It is important that both politicians and the electorate think about the profoundly damaging impact the housing & homelessness crisis is having on so many."
"Jesus challenges our schools to prize mercy over an educational mannequin parade" - Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry.
Sr Catherine Holum, who represented the US in the Winter Olympics of 1998, gave a talk at a Mass in Tuam to mark the closure of the Year for Consecrated Life.
Those who have good health are called to help those who, still today are the victims of an unjustified social stigma, to live in a dignified way.
Pontiff gives Hollywood heart throb, who is dedicated to environmental causes, a copy of 'Laudato Si', his encyclical on the environment.
"I want to thank you for the contribution so many Filipino people to our parish communities and in the care of the sick and the elderly."
Pontiff will travel to Sweden in October for a joint ecumenical commemoration of the start of the Reformation.
'The Message of Mercy' urges readers to question their understanding of mercy towards themselves & others and foster a deeper relationship with God.
It is not technology which determines whether or not communication is authentic, but rather the human heart and our capacity to use wisely the means at our disposal.
We should not view migrants just from the standpoint of their status but "as people whose dignity is to be protected and are capable of contributing to progress": Pope.
“By opening a door, we are door-keepers, we have got to reach out as well as moving in” - Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin.
Showers, haircuts and shaves were also available as well as a team of doctors, nurses and medical students offering check-ups and health advice.
In its nine chapters, 'The Name of God is Mercy' expands on the Pope's understanding of God's mercy which he describes as "God's identity card".
"Remember you too were treated harshly abroad, building London’s underground, the mines of Yorkshire, in the docks of Boston or in the new cities of Sydney and Perth."
There is a need for “for mid-term and long-term planning which is not limited to emergency responses” Pontiff warns diplomatic corps.
In new book, Pontiff states “The Church does not exist to condemn people, but to bring about an encounter with the visceral love of God’s mercy.”