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Pope Francis

The Joy of Love: less judgement & better pastoral care

“Longer life spans now mean that close and exclusive relationships must last for four, five or even six decades; consequently, the initial decision has to be frequently renewed”.


Irish Primates welcome Pope’s Amoris Laetitia

"Pope Francis realises that we do not live in a world where ... all that is needed is either to repeat doctrinal formulations or to set these doctrines aside and be ‘pastoral’.”


Pope’s apostolic exhortation on the family due today

Guide on document states: “The Pope's vision of society is inclusive. Such inclusion involves the effort to accept diversity, to dialogue with those who think differently..."


Bishop criticises forced return of refugees to Turkey

Pope Francis to visit the Greek island of Lesbos next week as a gesture of solidarity with migrants.


Pope Francis sends blessing to Limerick Synod

“Save for Pope John Paul II’s visit to Limerick in 1979, this is probably the most important moment for the Church in this diocese since the last Synod, all of 80 years ago.”


Become “apostles of mercy” towards those in need

Pope leads prayer vigil for Divine Mercy on the 11th anniversary of Pope St John Paul II’s death.


Pope to meet little girl who is losing her sight

Lizzy Myers from Ohio, along with her family, are due to meet the Pontiff next week at Casa Santa Marta.


Pope’s synod document on family due 8 April

The Apostolic Exhortation 'Amoris Laetitia' meaning ‘The Joy of Love’ will be unveiled by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri and Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.


Dozens killed in attack on Christians in Lahore

Pope appeals to Pakistan's civil authorities and social groupings to restore security and peace especially to the most vulnerable religious minorities.


Pope laments “blind & brutal” violence of terrorism

The Easter message speaks especially to those seeking to escape from persecution and poverty.


‘Let us break open our sealed tombs to the Lord’

Pope Francis baptised 12 catechumens from Italy, Albania, Cameroon, Korea, India and China during the Easter vigil ceremony at St Peter's Basilica.


Church leaders deeply saddened by Brussels attacks

"Let us pray that there can be an end to such terror attacks and hope for a future in which peace and security will prevail over violence & loss of human life."


Pope Francis to wash the feet of 12 refugees

A change in the rules made at the request of the Pope means women may now officially be among those whose feet are washed.


Irish seminarians to serve at Easter Vigil with Pope

Ceremony can be watched live on EWTN Television or on the Vatican Television livestream from 19.30 Irish time.


Pope sends Neocatechumenal Way families on mission

Missio ad Gentes (Mission to the nations) begins in fifty places including the diocese of Limerick in Ireland.


Pope pays tribute to St Patrick’s spiritual stamina

"His missionary dedication reminds you, dear newlyweds, of the importance of the Christian education of your children."


Synod exhortation may be published by weekend

Italian newspaper reports Cardinal Kasper as stating that in a “few days” a document of about “two hundred pages will be released”.


New vice rector announced for Irish College in Rome

“He will be a great loss to the Diocese of Limerick but he will play a huge role in the formation of many future priests”: Bishop Leahy.


Vatican sets date for Mother Teresa’s canonisation

Primate of All Ireland to celebrate Mass in Armagh this evening for Blessed Teresa and for her four Sisters killed with 12 co-workers in Yemen on 4 March.


Ireland in 2016 needs a new social ethic: Archbishop

"People of belief and people with a secular inspiration must learn again to how speak with one another constructively and respect one another."


Pope opens his fourth year with message of mercy

“We need to be aware of our sins and have the courage to drop the stones that we aim at others and think about the wrong we do”.


Tributes to Francis on third anniversary of election

Cardinal Vincent Nichols and We Are Church Ireland commend Pope on the vitality and freshness that he has sustained over the past three years.


Develop your heart during Year of Mercy

Technology and social media are leading to a loss of sensitivity to the fullness of human encounter warns Professor of Faith and Culture.


Nuncio concerned by narcissism’s effects on society

It is “important for us to see some of these psychological dysfunctions in society as the manifestation of, perhaps, an underlying spiritual dysfunction”.


Consistory to set date for Bl Teresa’s canonisation

Pope will sign decree for the canonisation of the 'Saint of the Gutters' on 15 March setting the date and venue of her sainthood ceremony.


Pope condemns ‘diabolic’ killing of four nuns

Gunmen kill four Sisters and twelve people working in care home run by the Missionaries of Charity in Yemen. Concern for missing Indian Salesian priest.


Pray with the Pope via new ‘Click to Pray’ app

The vision and motto of the Apostleship of Prayer's Click To Pray app is “Together, we make a difference every day.”


‘24 Hours for the Lord’ initiative begins today

New pastoral guidelines on the Sacrament of Confession from the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation.


Primate pays tribute to children’s faith

On matters of faith, life and love in new children's book, Pope Francis never comes across as a ‘know-it-all’ - Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Mullingar Cathedral hosts “24 Hours of Mercy”

Other dioceses host 24 hour vigil as part of the Church’s Jubilee of Mercy declared by Pope Francis.

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