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Pope Francis

Seaside destination for the Pope at Corpus Christi

Pope Francis is breaking with the custom followed by his two predecessors, Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, of celebrating Corpus Christi in St John Lateran’s, the cathedral church of the Bishop of Rome, a custom followed since 1979.


Bishop and priest clash over whether Catholic Yes vote is a sin

According to RTE’s referendum exit poll, almost 9 out of 10 No voters were Catholics while 7 out of 10 Yes voters were also Catholics.


Pilgrims to WMOF will receive plenary indulgence

WMOF is the contemporary version of going on pilgrimage. In the act of going, you open yourself up to encounter with God, and that is what an indulgence is recognising, says Chair of Irish Theological Association.


Clonmel celebrates ‘Memorial of Mary – Mother of the Church’ feastday

“The Church is feminine” and “she is a mother” Pope Francis tells congregation attending Mass at Casa Santa Marta on 21 May.


Journeys can’t forget justice

Repeal of the equal protection currently recognised as being owed to the unborn child would open the door to a systematic injustice, whereby the law denies the most basic and essential protections to those fully deserving of such concern.


Pope will visit Capuchin Day Centre in Dublin in August

Homeless clients “very excited” and can’t believe pontiff is coming to visit them, says Brother Kevin Crowley.


One-third of wild bee species in Ireland threatened with extinction

Appeal to public on World Bee Day to provide food, shelter and safety for bees.


Celebrate Water on National Holy Wells Day

Organisers of the annual National Holy Wells Day (NHWD) invite people to visit their local holy well and pray there for the protection and fair distribution of water.


“The truth will set you free” – World Communications Day 2018

There is a challenge to ensure that Christ’s message continues to be communicated in a rapidly developing media age, where “fake news” can seem plausible.


Pope visits flagship Focolare town Loppiano

A sense of humour is the human attitude closest to the grace of God, advises pontiff.


Over 18,000 now registered for WMOF2018

Registrations for the ninth World Meeting of Families in Dublin this August are rising fast while volunteer numbers have now exceeded over 3,000, organisers reveal.


Awareness of the Evil One is the first step in fighting him

Strong Ignatian influence in Pope Francis’ words about the devil in recent exhortation.


The Pope Video – May 2018

The Mission of the Laity


WMoF2018 milestone as 2,500th volunteer registers

Secretary General of WMOF2018, Fr Timothy Bartlett, delighted at having reached milestone in volunteering numbers, but thousands more volunteers needed.


Memorial to Pope St John Paul II unveiled in Limerick

New sculpture marks Polish Pontiff's final Mass in Ireland at Limerick Racecourse 39 years ago, which was attended by 400,000 people, the largest ever gathering of people for any event in Limerick.


The Lord is still calling men to the priesthood, says Bishop Cullinan ahead of Vocations Sunday

We are not victims of chance or swept up in a series of unconnected events. On the contrary, our life and our presence in this world is the fruit of a divine vocation, says Pope Francis.


Palliative care not euthanasia is the answer: Cardinal Eijk

“Many people fear social suffering because most people who are suffering in an incurable way lose their friends as people do not visit them any more. That is the most severe thing for them.”


Bishop Farrell celebrates 150 years of the Little Sisters of the Poor

"The slope of the aging population, along which Ireland is sliding, presents major challenges. Perhaps never before has there been such a need to care for the aging poor."


Pope apologises for “serious mistakes” in Chilean sex abuse case

“I ask forgiveness from all those I offended and I hope to be able to do so personally, in the coming weeks, in the meetings I will have with representatives of the people who were interviewed.”


Pope Francis – Call to Holiness

With this Exhortation I would like to insist primarily on the call to holiness that the Lord addresses to each of us, the call that he also addresses, personally, to you: “Be holy, for I am holy”


Reject the economy of exclusion

The Papal Prayer Intention for April is that economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths.


The Pope Video – April 2018

For Those who have Responsibility in Economic Matters


Pope prays for Peace on Easter Sunday

We Christians believe and know that Christ’s resurrection is the true hope of the world, the hope that does not disappoint.


Bishop notes people’s value and appreciation of their priests

“As a diocese, as a faith family, we have so much this Chrism Night to give thanks for; our priests and the witness they give, sometimes at a cost to their own health and mental well-being” - Bishop Denis Nulty.


President Higgins pays tribute to OLA and SMA missionaries

“You have been wonderful ambassadors for Ireland and for your faith. By your actions you have humbled us, and by your words you now draw the attention of our country to climate justice.”


Pope’s visit should be more than celebrity concert: Jesuit theologian

It may be centuries before another pope comes to Ireland as the axis of influence in the Church has shifted to the Southern hemisphere, says Bishop of Limerick.


Pope Francis to visit Ireland

We are deeply honoured that Pope Francis will come to our country to participate in this universal Church celebration of faith and joy, as well as of the contemporary challenges which face families. - Irish Bishops


Pope to receive WMOF2018 ‘Icon of the Holy Family’ today

Papal visit to Ireland expected to be confirmed as two Irish families set to meet the Pontiff at general audience today.


Bishops from Pakistan meet the Holy Father

The Catholic Church is contributing much to society and to the development of the country, especially through education, hospitals and other charitable works such as with the handicapped and drug addicts. 


Mary McAleese stands by her trenchant criticisms of the Church

"It is not part of the culture of the Church to turn a spotlight on itself.”

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