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Pope Emeritus

Shock at Pope Emeritus’ intervention on celibacy

Commenting on the retired pope’s new book, Dr Austin Ivereigh, Vatican expert and biographer of Pope Francis said, “It’s a totally imprudent and ill thought-out intervention which has the effect of undermining Francis’s authority.”


Little institutional support for intellectual debate in the Church

ACP founder responds to Archbishop's criticism over the lack of catholic intellectuals by warning "there’s little if any acceptance in the leadership of our Church for the free flow of ideas".


Ratzinger Schülerkreis to discuss search for God

The search for new means to speak of God has been at the core of Benedict's theological work since the Second Vatican Council.


Pope Emeritus to attend Mass for the elderly

Catholic Grandparents Association founder, Catherine Wiley, to give a testimony highlighting the vocation of grandparents.


Pope Emeritus to concelebrate canonisation Mass

Enda Kenny joins millions of pilgrims in Rome for unique ceremony.


Irish priest in CDF recalls Benedict’s resignation

Dubliner Mgr John Kennedy recalls his time working under Cardinal Ratzinger.


Benedict XVI breaks public silence for the first time

Papal message addressed to prominent Italian non-believer.


Pope emeritus in good form and very alert

Ratzinger Student Circle meets Pope Emeritus for special Mass.


Ratzinger Schülerkreis to meet without Pope Emeritus

Participants to attend a Mass celebrated by Benedict XVI at the conclusion of the seminar.


Pope Emeritus will not publish again

“His literary work is completed” says Mgr Georg Ratzinger.

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