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Pontifical Gregorian University

Apostolic exhortation on the Amazon due on Wednesday

Pope Francis's response to the Synod's call for the ordination of married men and for women deacons eagerly awaited.


“Knock has touched me in a special way.”

Archbishop Rino Fisichella gave the keynote address at the Co Mayo shrine for the Feast of the Assumption.


Pope replaces Cardinal Müller as CDF Prefect

Former head of doctrinal watchdog rejects suggestions that he was let go over his theological differences with Pope Francis, notably over Amoris Laetitia.


Marie Collins takes CDF chief to task over treatment of abuse commission

“It appears that for you, the concern that the local bishop might feel disrespected far outweighs any concern about disrespecting the survivor.”


Confirmation candidates explore Tweeting with God

“An easily accessible, navigable and contemporary tool to help young people with questions they have about their faith”.


Mgr Paul Tighe appointed to senior Vatican role

Appointment as assistant secretary to the Pontifical Council for Culture is a sign of Pope Francis' personal appreciation of his work: Archbishop Martin.

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