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Pope Francis thanks his 40m Twitter followers

“I want to encourage lay people and Catholics generally to stay involved in social media. You could say it’s a negative environment, there’s a lot of nasty comment, a lot of rough dealings with people. But then we’d abandon that field and let the trolls have it” - Bishop Paul Tighe.


Promotion for the highest ranking Irish man in the Roman Curia

Navan-born Bishop Paul Tighe has been appointed Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture


World Refugee Day, 20 June – The Pope Video: Countries Receiving Refugees

That the countries which take in a great number of displaced persons and refugees may find support for their efforts which show solidarity. Pope Francis - November 2016


The Pope Video: Countries Receiving Refugees

The annual Global Rosary Relay for the sanctification of priests on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 3 June 2016 circled the world in prayer once again, in this its seventh year, with more shrines than ever taking part in what is now recognised as a truly significant and powerful devotional initiative within the Catholic Church to recognise and bless the work of priests serving the faithful the world over.


Irish born bishop represents Vatican at global tech conference

“God loves you and cares for you whether you pitch well or not” – Bishop Paul Tighe.


Mgr Tighe ‘intrigued & happy’ about Vatican role

Year of Mercy should contribute not just to the life of the Church but to secular culture, says new secretary to Pontifical Council for Culture.


Pope creates dicastery to oversee communications

New Secretariat for Communications will act as umbrella for nine communications offices including Pontifical Council for Social Communications and Vatican Radio.


@pontifex followers offered indulgence for WYD2013

Pontiff issues decree on indulgences and social media.

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